Originally Posted by
Only my opinion...I don't think any girl at that age should be weight training untill their past their growth spurts. Gymnastics has shown already to hinder normal growth of organs, ligaments...etc.
But, I'm no physician. I would ask a professionals opinion...and not just a GP
She's 15...this is in the middle where body image and self conscience plays a major role of what a "healthy" body should actually be.
Yes...absolutely be a role model....and talk to your wife in the retrospect as well.
When it comes to your opinion of her being "soft" - keep this to yourself!!! Wanna know why she's soft...cause she's in puberty!!!!!
Females have a hard enough time with peer pressure from other girls being competitive, boy's ignorances at that age, delusional media of what a females body should be at that age.
Let her be her...yes guide her with choosing better food choices; but also show her its OK to be HER...as she is!!! And that she's a beautiful girl no matter what anyone else says.
If she doesn't accept herself and think she's beautiful as she is; how will anyone else.
You'd be amazed at how far a dad's and mom's comments can play apart on their daughter's body image!
Believe me........