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203 lbs
On week 4 of... week 1-10 Deca 250mg week 1-12 500 Test E
My question... I've heard alot of people say that working out for over an hour is actually destructive to building muscle. I have been limiting my workouts to 1-1.3 hrs. In past cycles, I never looked at the clock, and just excercised till my muscles felt like noodles. I've always gotten good results that way. As I said, for this cycle, I have been limiting my workouts. I am wondering what the real benefits of limiting workouts are. My goals are to put on mass.
When I work out... I'll, stretch... do a warm up set, and then 2 or 3 sets of 6-8 reps for my max. I'll hit every muscle group that I'm working out that day. Then, before I leave, I'll do one more low weight, high rep set for each muscle, until failure.
My schedual is like this... Day 1 Chest/tri/legs Day2 Back/Bi Day 3 Chest/tri
Day 4 Back/Bi/Legs
So I'm hitting upper body EOD and Legs E 3rd day. While on cycle, This has worked well for me. Off cycle, I would never work out the same muscle more than twice a week.
On my Leg days... I'm working out alot of different muscles which can take up alot of time. Including legs, I could be in the gym for 2 hrs no problem. Am I doing something totally wrong if I decide to stay in the gym that long? I figure as long as my diet is in check, and I'm eating enough, I'll grow. I am reluctant to change my training routine/schedual since I have had great results. I would like to start spending more time in the gym again because I feel like I could be doing more... especially on cycle. I am always open to critic/opinions/advise. I should also note that it's not a goal of mine to look like a pro body builder. I'd like to get up to 230-240 and maintain. Thanks everybody.