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Thread: 90 days in the desert

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    90 days in the desert

    so I just got a short notice tasker for a quick little 90 day deployment. I was given all of 6 days notice so gear isn't an option. That in itself isn't a big deal because I'm still reading up/researching for my first cycle. The good news is I'll have nothing to do but work and lift for 3 months - also I'll have access to a 24hr chow hall.

    I feel like switching things up while I'm out there and taking advantage of the option for massive calorie intake and lack of distractions apart from work. I've got a few ideas as far as routines go, but I thought I'd see if anyone around here had suggestions for a brutal program. thanks in advance! Oh, and heavy weight/low reps is what I'm leaning towards.

    i currently lift 3 days a week but i'm not opposed to a routine with more lift days in it.
    my current is pretty standard:


    Mon: back/bis
    WG pullups - 4X8-10
    bent over barbell row - 4x8-10
    1 arm DB row - 10, 10, 12
    Superset: standing low cable row -> straight arm pulldown 3x15
    hyperextensions - 4x25 with 25lb plate
    Standing barbell curl - 2 WG/2CG 6-8,6-8, 8, 8
    incline bench db curl - 3X10
    EZ bar preacher curl - 2X10-12

    Wed: chest/tris
    Flat Bench - 4X4-6
    machine decline bench - 4x6-8
    incline db flys - 3X12
    incline bench - 4X6-8
    seated overhead ezbar cable extension - 3X8-10
    EZ bar pressdown 3X10
    Dips - 4Xfailure

    Fri: Legs/shoulders
    Squats 4X6-8
    leg press calf raises 4X15
    leg extensions - 4X8-10
    leg curls - 3X10-12
    barbell shrugs 3x12
    reverse butterflys - 3X8-10
    superset: front/lateral raises: 3x10

    a few stats:
    25 y/o
    6'1 205lbs
    9% BF
    going for strength/size
    Last edited by St3ddy; 03-21-2011 at 07:38 PM.

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