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I would say its a good routine. Try to adjust the incline to a 30 degree angle IMO.
Now sometimes with lagging muscles it can tend to be peoples technique more so than the routine as you say you are about adding mass.
Are you coming all the way down in the chest presses and achieving "optimal" stretch and not locking out at the top in order to achieve more reps. I usually only go about 2/3rds
of the way back up as any more and the delts/triceps are doing the work not the chest. In other words are you achieving maximum contraction over simply moving weight.
Same thing with calves. I see TONS AND TONS of guys with just horrible form on the calve machines. All about pushing the weight or forcing it. Instead, put your MIND to
your MUSCLE and feel the muscle fully stretch at the bottom and full hard contraction at the top.
These types of techniques in all aspects of every body part as made ALL the difference in the world for my goal of being a bodybuilder.
Now if you say you want strength, don't be surprised if you focus on that and don't gain the mass that you wanted