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Thread: Some back questions I need help clarifying.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Orleans

    Some back questions I need help clarifying.

    I have been lifting for over 8 years and still am not clear on some things.

    Until a few months ago I thought pull-ups were for lats, and everything else was for traps.

    When I would barbell row, I would squeeze my traps, and not lats. Is that what that exercise is for?

    Lately I have squeezed everything from my lats, and only shrugs and deads were for traps. Is this correct?

    I am not entirely clear about these exercises because I can squeeze my lats and back for just about all of them.

    I added a picture (that is old, and I know I am fat) with some ghetto arrows to help clarify some things.

    1. I know deads hit traps, but do they also hit rhomboids? Is that the rhomboids I am pointing to?

    2. Are barbell rows for traps, or just lats?

    3. What are seated cable rows for? Lats or where the rhomboids arrow is pointing?

    4. Even with pull-ups I can squeeze my traps or lats, wtf?

    Informed advice is greatly appreciated. Most places I try to read this information from groups all these exercises under back.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Back spelled out 2.JPG 
Views:	161 
Size:	190.8 KB 
ID:	114912

  2. #2
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    Mar 2010
    1) deads "hit" a lot of things, but the prime movers are actually in your posterior chain (reverse flies are really good at targeting rhomboids)
    2) barbell row prime movers are both traps and lats
    3) seated cable row is just another rowing exercise for your back, lats and rhomboids are hit
    4) yes, there are a variety of different pull ups and also how you execute it will determine what muscles your hitting the most

  3. #3
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    Also here's a diagram to help you with where your back muscles are located, you see the highlighted area is the rhomboid, and if you look to the left you see your traps (which are superficial to the rhomboid) actually run down the middle of your back quite a bit

  4. #4
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    As with any exercise, how you do it is going to determine what muscles are worked more than others. Deads are going to hit pretty much every back muscle you have. Barbell rows are more for your lats, or middle back area (although it also works your lower back and to some extent, traps). Seated cable rows can be for lats or traps. It depends where you bring the cable to. The lower it is, the more its going to work your middle back. The higher, your traps and posterior deltoids. I'm not really sure how you can squeeze your traps while doing normal pullups. If you want to work your traps more and your shoulders can take it, you can to pullups where the pullup bar goes behind your head.

    Anyways I hope I helped a little, seems like alot of information.

  5. #5
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    May be of help

  6. #6
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    When I do regular pullups, I can either pull from my lats and squeeze them at the top, or I can pull from my lats and squeeze my upper back at the top. Whatever your other post was it did not work.

    Thanks latrex, unfortunately you reassured my unsureness about these exercises.

    Should I change the squeezing area for these exercises for different workouts?

    Also, I know low cable rows workout the middle back, but middle as in left to right, or middle as in top to bottum.

  7. #7
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    It was just a back muscle diagram. I just went to a pullup bar for some clarity on this. When you're doing a pullup, lean back. Don't be straight up and down. This will help you incorporate your lats more.

  8. #8
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    Also I don't really understand your last question.

  9. #9
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    Is this accurate?

    Jfew, I usually hold my shoulders back, this seems to help me use only lats. Are these exercises correct for the indicated area? The areas are easier to see on him. Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Fouad spelled out.JPG 
Views:	115 
Size:	115.4 KB 
ID:	114913  

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Also I don't really understand your last question.
    I mean look at the picture of Fouad's back, there is a middle from his head to his ass, and there is a middle from his left arm to his right arm. So the middle could be right under his neck or right next to his right arm.

  11. #11
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    Your making this more difficult than it really has to be, row will hit the middle of the back, the left of the back, the right of the back, the top of the back, the bottom of the back. All at different levels depending on your ROM. Just like you do Flat bench, Incline Bench, and Decline Bench for chest, it's good to hit your back with a variety of ranges of motion. When you're working out on "back day" you're not just working your lats, there's a lot of smaller muscles you're working out too. No one is trying to isolate their rhomboids or teres major, they are just working out their back with a series of different rows and a variety of ROMs. You will have to identify a workout goal for more specific advice on what exercises you should be doing. I answered your previous questions and you need to present a more precise one for a more precise answer. More than anything you just seem confused; rhomboids, traps, lats, these are all "back" muscles...

  12. #12
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    Ya that's pretty accurate. Deads for me work more my lower back though. Most back exercises are going to work more than one particular muscle because back lifts are primarily compound movements. You just need to go to the gym and play around with the weights. Start light and figure out what feels comfortable for YOU because everyone is different.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    Your making this more difficult than it really has to be, row will hit the middle of the back, the left of the back, the right of the back, the top of the back, the bottom of the back. All at different levels depending on your ROM. Just like you do Flat bench, Incline Bench, and Decline Bench for chest, it's good to hit your back with a variety of ranges of motion. When you're working out on "back day" you're not just working your lats, there's a lot of smaller muscles you're working out too. No one is trying to isolate their rhomboids or teres major, they are just working out their back with a series of different rows and a variety of ROMs. You will have to identify a workout goal for more specific advice on what exercises you should be doing. I answered your previous questions and you need to present a more precise one for a more precise answer. More than anything you just seem confused; rhomboids, traps, lats, these are all "back" muscles...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominick2417 View Post
    Jfew, I usually hold my shoulders back, this seems to help me use only lats. Are these exercises correct for the indicated area? The areas are easier to see on him. Thanks.
    again your making it harder than it has to be, you can just circle his whole back and write barbell rows, pull ups, deadlifts...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    again your making it harder than it has to be, you can just circle his whole back and write barbell rows, pull ups, deadlifts...
    It is difficult to get a mind/muscle connection when my mind is not sure which muscle is being worked. I am far from a beginner, and I understand deadlifts work out the entire back, but I do not want to squeeze bumbell rows from my lats when it would be more benefical to squeeze from my traps.

  16. #16
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    You're answering your own question and you don't even know it. Would it be more beneficial to squeeze from your lats? If you're trying to hit your lats more. Would it be more beneficial to squeeze from your traps? If you're trying to hit your traps more. IMO you just squeeze, you're hitting all of the muscles! I will say it take a little time to get down how to really activate your back muscles in these lifts, but hey you've been lifting longer than I have. Most people will say "pull from your elbows and treat your hands as 'hooks' that are holding on" and I agree, that really works for me. Anyway again, it helps when you make clear what your question is, but I have answered the question I just got from your last post.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    You're answering your own question and you don't even know it. Would it be more beneficial to squeeze from your lats? If you're trying to hit your lats more. Would it be more beneficial to squeeze from your traps? If you're trying to hit your traps more. IMO you just squeeze, you're hitting all of the muscles! I will say it take a little time to get down how to really activate your back muscles in these lifts, but hey you've been lifting longer than I have. Most people will say "pull from your elbows and treat your hands as 'hooks' that are holding on" and I agree, that really works for me. Anyway again, it helps when you make clear what your question is, but I have answered the question I just got from your last post.
    That makes a lot of sense.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    As with any exercise, how you do it is going to determine what muscles are worked more than others. Deads are going to hit pretty much every back muscle you have. Barbell rows are more for your lats, or middle back area (although it also works your lower back and to some extent, traps). Seated cable rows can be for lats or traps. It depends where you bring the cable to. The lower it is, the more its going to work your middle back. The higher, your traps and posterior deltoids. I'm not really sure how you can squeeze your traps while doing normal pullups. If you want to work your traps more and your shoulders can take it, you can to pullups where the pullup bar goes behind your head.

    Anyways I hope I helped a little, seems like alot of information.
    Best advice you will get right there.

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