Few questions, About some muscles that aren't growing...
Now before I start asking I will let you know that I am working out in basement, gym right now isn't in my budget...
So I have limit workouts, I have a bench(Old school 20lb bar I think it 20lb, its solid metal).
Also have a preacher curl, chin-up bar, Leg curl on bench, and a wire pull thing used for sitting(lats...)
Have dumbell bars, and a stairght bar, butter-fly bar.
Ski machine and treadmill!
So anyway, if you could help me with,
1st - Abs, I can do crunches and pain situps, I know there is something I could do with my chinup bar. But can you help me out with anymore if there is.
2nd - Arms, How can I get beefer arms, I seem to have a hard time getting them pass 15inch.
- close grip press
- dumbbell ti-cep press
- bb curls
- dumbell curls
all 3 sets of 8-12 I try to lift heavy to rip the muscles.
And the part bewteen bicep and forearm, I heard rev curls?