Hi, name is Dominic i am 22 6.1 270lbs i wasn't always this big. I let my self go after i ripped my belly and got a really bad umbilical hernia when i was at a local mma gym. Then i was 20 and a nice solid 205

. I have started to watch what i eat a little and have been drinking nothing but tea and water. I worked out from when i was 16 to 20 and now when i hit the gym it feel like i am a virgin and don't no what to do. My gf got me that p90x for xmas and used it for 3 weeks and got bored or lazy don't no witch one. I feel embarrassed around my gf now and we just had a baby girl and i feel even worse. My family are all over weight so its in my genes i think to be fat and i hate it. I always said i wouldn't let myself get like my dad and i look at myself now and look just like him. So i have been talking to a friend and we are gonna start lifting again at our local YMCA and I really need some help and motivation.
I need help with the following.
A good diet that don't have fish in it.
HAHA, liquid egg whites then I LOVE fruit
a little bit and broccoli
jya, good 
good good Beef
a little bit Pork
a very little bit ex ex.
And a good workout plan that's not cardio.
below you have a goal, add this to reach it I miss the feeling in my muscles after lifting heavy weight. So the kinda workout im looking for is a mass/strength work out that will help lose weight.
I don't know if these goal are crazy but i would love to be 185-210lbs by my birthday Sept 13 that's 5 months.
might be a little fast to be healthy, but i'm sure you can drop a bunch if you work
Thanks and I hope its not to hard to read im very tired and found this site at the last minute before i hit the sack. lol