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For muscle builders, sprinting is the best way to run. Look at sprinters and then look at marathoners. Their bodies are vastly different. I actually talked to a fitness expert who owns a fitness business which services other large businesses. He has more degrees than a thermometer. He told me that when you're running long distances at a slow pace, your body will actually burn muscle,If we are talking about hours on end yes, if we are talking moderate intensity cardio for 30-60 minutes no. thus the thin long distance runners. The sprinting workout is intense and if you're older, like me, I find myself gasping for air. But, you will see the rewards after a few weeks in the form of better stamina for sprinting, more muscle definition in your legs, and yes.... fat burning. I don't know if you burn more fat sprinting or running long. I've seen some pretty anorexic looking long distance runners. I would go out on a limb and say that relative to the time spent running, that sprinting probably burns more fat.While this concept may be true there is no way you can make a blanket statement like this. I guarantee you there is more fat burnt running a marathon than running a 400M sprint.
Let me also say this. I am a big advocate of attacking the area where the fat is. If you run a lot, your legs will be lean. If you move your arms a lot, your arms will be lean. So, if the mid-section is the area you want to lose, you must dedicate time to that area. Hope this helped.Spot reduction is a myth, moving your arms will not make your body target tricep fat.
** Also, one more note. If you have hills around you, that is an awesome cardio workout that really builds strength in your running and forces you to accentuate your running form. It is an essential part of a sprinter's regimine when training for competition.