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Thread: Workout routine Need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Workout routine Need Help


    I work out 5 days a week.
    Sunday - Back
    Monday - Chest
    Tuesday - Arms
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Abs And Shoulders

    I am 27 5'11 198 pounds electronic body fat tester I am 17 % body fat.
    ( I think am higher )
    I started at about 240

    I run on the treadmill for 15 minutes I am going to change this to 30.
    I do each work out 6 reps & 6 sets on the highest weight I can do.
    My diet is not the best but so much better then it used to be.
    I take in about 1700 calories a day I try keep high protein low carbs.

    I work out at 6:30 pm each day

    I been thinking about also working out in the morning.

    Can I work out 2 times a day will this give me muscle enough time to rebuild?

    if i did something like

    Sunday - 7am Abs And Shoulders / 6:30 pm Back
    Monday - 7am Legs / 6:30pm Chest
    Tuesday - Arms not sure what to do here
    Wednesday - 7am Chest / 6:30pm Legs
    Thursday - Abs And Shoulders / 6:30 pm Back

    Should I start to change my work out to lower wight and higher reps?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    HFT can be great if you know what you are doing. Sorry, but it doesn't look like you do. Keep it simple for now and as long as you are progressing. And I think you should be eating a little more (2-300 more kcal), but I don't know your real activity level.

  3. #3
    Hello friends. I am doing a job and my weight is increasing day by day. I work all the day in office . i have no time for exercise. i want to do exercise and workout but have no time for it. Give me some suggestions that what should i do because health is also very important for me. Need your advice. thanks.
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    Last edited by Richered5; 04-16-2011 at 02:13 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Richered5 View Post
    Hello friends. I am doing a job and my weight is increasing day by day. I work all the day in office . i have no time for exercise. i want to do exercise and workout but have no time for it. Give me some suggestions that what should i do because health is also very important for me. Need your advice. thanks
    Find time to workout, be it a 20 minutes run in the morning, or a quick home workout in the evening. If it's important to you you'll find the time. Also post your diet and stats in the diet forum, as diet is the biggest factor in weight loss. There are guys there that will help.

  5. #5
    So far what I have learned is that it all comes down to your diet. Ive changed mine dramatically...

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