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Thread: Questions on exercises that can help burn bodyfat?

  1. #1

    Questions on exercises that can help burn bodyfat?

    Greetings fellow members,

    I have a few questions regarding on workouts that can help burn body fat. I have been waking up every morning to do a 4 mile run. According to research on the net, morning runs before breakfast helps burn faster faster. Yes, I do know that cardio and diet help lose weight. My main goal is to lower my bodyfat from 20% to at least 15%. Here are my questions:

    1. Can I incorporate weight lifting into the exercise routine to help accelerate the fat burning?

    2. If so, do I have do weight lifting right after cardio or can I do it in the evening?

    3. What kind of weight exercises can I do? My objective is to develop lean muscles instead of bulking.

    Your advice and time is much appreciated. Thank you.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bro cut that mile out and do a fast walk for half an hour then eat big breaky hit the gym for big heavy weights it will help your body release more test which means more muscle an less fat do not do cadio or weights together read the guidlines for growth and all the diet threads you must learn alot or you will never get what you want you will need alot of protein

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BiG SEXi DAMAGE View Post
    Bro cut that mile out and do a fast walk for half an hour then eat big breaky hit the gym for big heavy weights it will help your body release more test which means more muscle an less fat do not do cadio or weights together read the guidlines for growth and all the diet threads you must learn alot or you will never get what you want you will need alot of protein
    Thanks Big Sexi.

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