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Thread: Anyone feel dizzy after a set when on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Question Anyone feel dizzy after a set when on?

    Last cycle I felt my heart rate was almost 200 BPM after a set and I would have to sit and rest 2-3 min's between sets not because of lactic acid buildup or weakness but because I was feeling dizzy and breathless after lifting heavy.

    I noticed my blood pressure did go up quite a bit in general when on, I was taking cycle support, fish oil and eating clean. What else should I try do before having to see if betablockers or BP meds will do anything. Anyone else ever feel what I am describing?

    This was just on 400-600mg's test mind you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Were you in good shape before you went on cycle? Stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    If you don't get this figured out, you will need to stop your cycle, start pct, and maybe even go see a doctor.

    But.... I always make sure cardio is a huge part of my routine. This strengthens my heart, improves blood presseure, and ultimately means my recovery is significantly improved.

    How's your cardio?

    A good cardio gram for the heart would be a minimum of 20 minutes a day @ 80% of max heart rate, for a minimum 3x a week. invest the $30 in a heart rate monitior, the strap on kind.

    make sure you are intaking plenty of water, minerals (pot/mag/calc) and maybe avoid sodium for awhile.

    Feeling dizzy and breathless is fairly common for me when I'm hitting it hard. so that part doesnt bother me so much. But i don't like the 200 BPM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by eyepoker View Post
    Were you in good shape before you went on cycle? Stats?
    Was training 5 years before I started my first cycle, trained 4-6 days a week resistance and cardio 2-3 times a week consisting of HITT/steady state (20-40 minutes) so I don't think general exercise recovery and cardiovascular fitness is that bad but still could be improved

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    If you don't get this figured out, you will need to stop your cycle, start pct, and maybe even go see a doctor.

    But.... I always make sure cardio is a huge part of my routine. This strengthens my heart, improves blood presseure, and ultimately means my recovery is significantly improved.

    How's your cardio?

    A good cardio gram for the heart would be a minimum of 20 minutes a day @ 80% of max heart rate, for a minimum 3x a week. invest the $30 in a heart rate monitior, the strap on kind.

    make sure you are intaking plenty of water, minerals (pot/mag/calc) and maybe avoid sodium for awhile.

    Feeling dizzy and breathless is fairly common for me when I'm hitting it hard. so that part doesnt bother me so much. But i don't like the 200 BPM.

    I'm finished my cycle now and my heart rate is back to normal inbetween sets

    I tried to do cardio as much as I could when on, but I found it hard to do due to my excessive heart rate making me dizzy

    my blood pressure was 138/84 with a RHR of 72 when on
    compaired to 120/55 with RHR of 66 prior to the cycle

    when I was on I went over to the threadmill between a set to check my heart rate and it was 150-160

    I can only assume it must have went up between 170-190 during the set

    nice imput thanks guys

    im gonna cut the sodium for sure no point in agravating the situtation

    I wouold also notice this increased heart rate when sleeping especially

  5. #5
    Wow, OP. You finished out the cycle even with the existing problem? So risky IMO. That's your heart man, your engine, that dies and so do you! I'd go see an MD and get checked out, make sure you didn't cause any damage.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It could be an underlying anxiety issue that only flares up when you are on the gear. Sometimes just increasing your heart rate can cause it to skyrocket. But I personally would go see the doctor and get a full heart work up and a stress test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Wow, OP. You finished out the cycle even with the existing problem? So risky IMO. That's your heart man, your engine, that dies and so do you! I'd go see an MD and get checked out, make sure you didn't cause any damage.
    I had only two weeks left so I finished it out

    I know bro

    Scary stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by Natureboy71 View Post
    It could be an underlying anxiety issue that only flares up when you are on the gear. Sometimes just increasing your heart rate can cause it to skyrocket. But I personally would go see the doctor and get a full heart work up and a stress test.
    Sounds like the right thing to do

    First thing im gonna do next is get bloodwork done during the first quarter of my next cycle and see how my body is reacting with the compounds in my system
    And see if any numbers are skewed way off that many need to be addressed first

    If nothing significant shows up on the bloods I will be off for a heart check-up

    Thanks for the advice bros

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