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Thread: please critique my workout as I would like to start a cycle in summer - need a plan

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    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    please critique my workout as I would like to start a cycle in summer - need a plan

    hello, I am 30yo, 5ft 11in, 176 lbs and 13% bf

    i have been training since 2003 ( starting from 112 lbs, I was very skinny) to 2006 but with some interruption because of university stress, then I am training regularly from 2007 with almost no interruption, except for one of 5 months from august 2010 to december 2010 (because of leg injury)

    I have done a couple of mild cycles (mostly 300mg test and 200mg deca per week)and whilst I managed to add some mass to my very thin frame , but now I would like to increase the dosages to 400mg test and 300mg deca and look more massive, not just athletic
    other posts:
    workout description

    i am keeping the number of reps relatively high for now....

    i currently train at home, so I left out one of my favourite excercises i.e. lat pulldowns.... but I am getting a lat machine in may

    I do two different groups of workouts a and b, first week wo a, second week b, third week a again etc

    I would like to currently focus on back and shoulders (my legs improve easily,so I am training them only once in two weeks to concentrate on my thinner upper body for now...and also because of recent injury(1 yr ago)
    arms are almost ok and pecs are bigger that they should be compared to the back

    the general rule is to train each muscle twice per week with around 12 sets for the big muscles and 8 sets for the small muscles; so a big muscle get 24 sets per week in total; i found that training each muscle twice per week works a lot better for me than only once per week
    I wrote for each day the total number of sets per workout. I was usually doing 30 sets in total, but some gym fellows advised me to cut the volume so now I am doing only about 20 in total per wo day; i.e. except for the back where I kept near 30

    rest: 2min, 90 s, 75s

    monday back-biceps(30)

    pull ups 4x5 rest 1'
    chin ups 4x5 rest 1'

    bent over rows w/ narrow grip 3x8@55kg, 2x15@40kg
    bent over rows to nipple level 5x10@50kg
    romanian deadlift 2x15@50kg

    standingdrag curl / barbell 5x5 @[32kg/]
    curl scott /dumbbells 3x10 @11kg
    hammer curls 2x15 @8

    wednesday : triceps-pecs-delts(21)

    close grip bench press 4x6 @56kg
    standing parallel bar dips 3x12@ bw
    skull crushers 3x6 @34kg

    incline bench 45 deg 3x10 @52kg
    flies with machine 2x15@14kg

    military press close grip 3x10@30kg
    shoulder press close grip 3x10@10kg

    friday: back-biceps(30)

    pulls ups 4x8 rest 1'
    chin ups 4x10 rest 1'

    bent over rows with mediumk reverse grip 5x10@50kg, 2x15 @40kg
    one arm rows 3x15@22kg

    hyperextensions 2x20

    reverse curl scott /barbell 4x12@22kg
    standing curl barbell 4x10 @20kg
    concentration curl 2x16@6kg

    saturday : delts-abs(23)

    military press wide grip 3x5@55kg, 2x8@40kg
    lying rows 3x10@45?kg
    arnold press 3x10@8kg

    vertical rows 3x12@35kg, 2x 2x15@20kg
    lateral raised 2x12@6kg double series (normal+reverse grip)
    L-flies 2x15 with elastic

    crunch 3x20 @30kg

    sunday pecs-triceps(20)

    decline bench press 3x8 @74kg
    flat bench press 3x10 @60kg
    flies w/dumbbells 3x15@13kg
    pullovers 2x15@40kg

    close grip bench press 3x10 @44kg
    skull crushers 3x10@30kg
    seated dips rest1'3x20

    rest: 2min, 90 s, 75s

    monday back-biceps(30)

    pull ups 4x5 rest 1'
    chin ups 4x5 rest 1'

    bent over rows w/ narrow grip 3x8@55kg, 2x15@40kg
    bent over rows to nipple level 5x10@50kg
    romanian deadlift 2x15@50kg

    standingdrag curl / barbell 5x5 @[32kg/]
    curl scott /dumbbells 3x10 @11kg
    hammer curls 2x15 @8

    wednesday : legs-abs (19)

    squat 4x10@55kg
    deadlift 4x5 @65kg

    standing calf 2x20@65kg
    lunges 2x6@due man 10kg
    leg extension 2x15@35kg
    leg curl 2x15@20kg

    crunch 4x10@35kg

    friday: back-biceps(30)

    pulls ups 4x8 rest 1'
    chin ups 4x10 rest 1'

    bent over rows with mediumk reverse grip 5x10@50kg, 2x15 @40kg
    one arm rows 3x15@22kg

    hyperextensions 2x20

    reverse curl scott /barbell 4x12@22kg
    standing curl barbell 4x10 @20kg
    concentration curl 2x16@6kg

    saturday : delts-abs(23)

    military press wide grip 3x5@55kg, 2x8@40kg
    lying rows 3x10@45?kg
    arnold press 3x10@8kg

    vertical rows 3x12@35kg, 2x 2x15@20kg
    lateral raised 2x12@6kg double series (normal+reverse grip)
    L-flies 2x15 with elastic

    crunch 3x20 @30kg

    sunday extended pecs-triceps(30)

    close grip bench press 5x6 @50kg
    paralle bar dips 5x12@ bw

    decline bench 30deg 3x8 @70kg
    incline bench 45deg 3x8 @50kg
    pullovers 2x15@40kg

    skull crushers 5x7@30kg
    pushdown 5x12
    setaed dips rest1' 2x20

    another question: how should I periodize? I am used to lowering the number of reps and increasing the weigth , but hiow often should I do this?

    Thank you
    Last edited by cloud_strife; 04-22-2011 at 06:15 PM.

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