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Thread: How many times a week can you hit arms?

  1. #1

    How many times a week can you hit arms?

    My arms have always been lacking compared to my upper body. I used to blast them hard just once a week. Then I tried splitting it up... bi's one day and tri's another so I was doing them twice. I'm thinking of trying something new but I don't wanna overtrain. Any suggestions...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    For me- in 7 days- twice directly, twice indirectly....very low volume, wide range of reps.

    Do you deadlift? If you do heavy deads, you have big arms.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ^^^very good advice... deads make a huge difference for my arms!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    how do you figure big deads= big arms?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by gthom47 View Post
    how do you figure big deads= big arms?
    Big deads = big pretty much everything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gthom47 View Post
    how do you figure big deads= big arms?
    They say that to add an inch to your guns you will need to add 10-15 pounds to your body weight, the best way to do this is heavy deads IMO. Squatting and doing deads cause the body produce it's own test and GH, which means you get growth everywhere.

    As long as your diet is right and you do not have naturally low test level- Heavy Deads= big arms.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    For me- in 7 days- twice directly, twice indirectly....very low volume, wide range of reps.

    Do you deadlift? If you do heavy deads, you have big arms.
    Okay so twice directly like bi's one day and tri's another day or could I hit them both on the same day twice a week? Sorry, not trying to be difficult just wanna make sure I get what you're saying. And indirectly would be like when I'm hitting back and chest right?

    To answer your question I do deadlifts... I will go up in weight if thats what it takes... thanks for the advice bro.

    Also I came across this article I saved from a Anabolic Almanac I used to get back in 2009. There was a section where people sent in questions and this guy Dane C. Fletcher would answer them. I guess this is kinda dumb cause it answers my question for me but I'd like to know what anyone else might think about his advice...


    Q: [I]My arms are lacking size overall and I just don't know what to do with them. My trunk is starting to dwarf my arms and it looks ridiculous. I've changed up my routines, I've put arms with other body parts and by themselves in workout routines, and nothing is working. Any suggestions?[I]

    A: Yes, actually. A lot of bodybuilders do just what seems "intuitive" in training to bring up weaknesses, when they should be focusing on what's a little counter-intuitive. You probably are convinced you are overtraining your arms, and need to give them rest. You figure, because you use them for other workouts, such as chest, back, shoulders, that you are indirectly working them and that doing them hard and heavy one day a week, or in moderate workouts twice weekly, is all you can do. But the truth is, you can hit your arms very hard once or twice a week, and then on other days, choose one exercise and do a few sets of 10. So on a chest day, while you're recuperating, do a triceps movement - such as rope presses - and on back day, a set of preacher curls. Keep weight moderate on these days and focus just on squeezing, flexion and tension. If you experience joint pain, drop back one day, and see how you go. You may also be lacking variety in your routine, but since you didn't mention what it is you currently do, I don't know. Point is, trial and error is the best teacher, and doing what you hate is the second best teacher. So, for example, if you hate doing preacher curls, you may just have been avoiding what will actually make your arms grow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ahh ok now that makes a lot of sense as to why dead= arms

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    They say that to add an inch to your guns you will need to add 10-15 pounds to your body weight, the best way to do this is heavy deads IMO. Squatting and doing deads cause the body produce it's own test and GH, which means you get growth everywhere.

    As long as your diet is right and you do not have naturally low test level- Heavy Deads= big arms.
    Yeah, you're right about the deads and squats... just dug up this old quote from a bodybuilding book...

    "If you want bigger arms - squat. Squatting makes everything grow." -Sergio Oliva, three-time Mr. Olympia.

    Thanks for explaining the science behind it terra!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    I don't care how heavy you deadlift, if it's not in the genetics...its not in the genetics..arms are my most underdevloped muscles..sometimes ya just can't beat genetics

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I never deadlift (rods in back) but I have 17 3/4 inch arms. Genetics I guess

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizzy_D View Post
    Okay so twice directly like bi's one day and tri's another day or could I hit them both on the same day twice a week? Sorry, not trying to be difficult just wanna make sure I get what you're saying. And indirectly would be like when I'm hitting back and chest right?

    To answer your question I do deadlifts... I will go up in weight if thats what it takes... thanks for the advice bro.

    Also I came across this article I saved from a Anabolic Almanac I used to get back in 2009. There was a section where people sent in questions and this guy Dane C. Fletcher would answer them. I guess this is kinda dumb cause it answers my question for me but I'd like to know what anyone else might think about his advice...


    Q: [I]My arms are lacking size overall and I just don't know what to do with them. My trunk is starting to dwarf my arms and it looks ridiculous. I've changed up my routines, I've put arms with other body parts and by themselves in workout routines, and nothing is working. Any suggestions?[I]

    A: Yes, actually. A lot of bodybuilders do just what seems "intuitive" in training to bring up weaknesses, when they should be focusing on what's a little counter-intuitive. You probably are convinced you are overtraining your arms, and need to give them rest. You figure, because you use them for other workouts, such as chest, back, shoulders, that you are indirectly working them and that doing them hard and heavy one day a week, or in moderate workouts twice weekly, is all you can do. But the truth is, you can hit your arms very hard once or twice a week, and then on other days, choose one exercise and do a few sets of 10. So on a chest day, while you're recuperating, do a triceps movement - such as rope presses - and on back day, a set of preacher curls. Keep weight moderate on these days and focus just on squeezing, flexion and tension. If you experience joint pain, drop back one day, and see how you go. You may also be lacking variety in your routine, but since you didn't mention what it is you currently do, I don't know. Point is, trial and error is the best teacher, and doing what you hate is the second best teacher. So, for example, if you hate doing preacher curls, you may just have been avoiding what will actually make your arms grow.
    I'm not telling you copy how I work out, thats what I have found works best for me. I do Bis/tris/shoulders together every 4 days, indirectly I hit arms every 4 days on my chest/back day. But this is all with very low volume, 3 sets and I'm done for all but back.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I don't care how heavy you deadlift, if it's not in the genetics...its not in the genetics..arms are my most underdevloped muscles..sometimes ya just can't beat genetics
    True, but we are talking for the average guy.

    Your arms look ok....for a swimmer

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