is there any research that proves that the anterior deltoid takes the main action
as the degrees reduced?
is there any research that proves that the anterior deltoid takes the main action
as the degrees reduced?
higher the degree will focus more shoulder work and higher part of the chest i assume...
^^ pretty much. I don't do 45 degree's at all. But even at 30 you're still using the delts to some degree. IMO thats a good reason for putting shoulders 72 hours away from chest in your workout split
yeah, i def notice that on 45's i feel more like i'm performing a shoulder press than a chest press... now one question I have.. what is the difference in doing decline versus flat?
personally i hate decline bench. i would much rather do a flat bench over decline. people say it hits "the lower pecs" but there is no such thing as lower or upper pecs. i would honestly suggest doing dips instead of decline
Or work them on chest day!
This somewhat depends on what you are trying to accomplish on a personal level. Decline bench press has the shortest range of motion and should be your strongest chest lift, also incorporates the largest percentage of your chest muscles, will put on more size and strength for pressing exercises then flat bench. Works lower and inner, a great way to shock the CNS in order to produce gains you can't accomplish without, also the mind muscle connection. Does work the lower portion more and inner if properly performed with dumbbells. There has been research showing that incline bench over 30% involves shoulders to a greater degree then the chest so avoid going over this. Dips are a great exercise but do not compare to decline bench in any way. If you lean forward you stretch the chest and can use it as a final exercise on chest day, if you remain upright you work more tricep and can use it on tricep day, if you do chest and triceps together on the same day you can incorporate both positionings back to back at the end of your workout.
What sources did you use to come by this information? What are your credentials to be giving this advice?
tbody66 explained all that stuff pretty g000d, i agree with him ^. but also i reckon if u do higher degree on any press for chest ur still going to get a better looking upper chest which is wat most ppl lack wen it comes to chest so i usually do 37 degrees is my favourite sometimes 45 not much and sometimes 30. gotta mix it up i guess :P
Haha decline bench is a pretty debated thing. Some people stand by it, others think it's pointless. You should prob just see how your body responds to it and if it's right for you. I remember someone posting a study on here before that said that the decline dumbbell press recruits more chest muscle fibers than any of the other presses. The point is pretty much what I said before, look at the pro's some of them do decline some don't, so IMO the choice to include or not include decline is negligible.
I agree with this statement for aesthetics, if you do the higher degree though I definitely would be incorporating the shoulder routine into my chest day(which I do regularly anyway), the thick upper chest, both center and tie-in at the shoulders make the chest(and thus the overall build) look dramatically better. You want to be sure not to pre-fatigue the shoulders on chest day so as to not be able to properly train the chest, a way to avoid this would be to perform decline bench then flat bench then incline bench then military presses, when you get to incline bench you could even go up progressively with the angle after each set, of course you are increasing your range of motion and involving less chest by doing so, so you should probably decrease the weight with each increase in the angle. IMOOriginally Posted by aussie_bodybuilda;5618***
do u train chest shoulder triceps all together?
wats ur hole weekly training routine look like ? just curious
I just started this program this week.
Mon: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Tue: Back/Biceps/Calves
Wed: Off
Thu: Legs
Fri: Shoulders/Arms
I try to stick with a program for 7 weeks, take a whole week off from the gym then come back with a changed up program. I'll put my exact lifts and poundages up for you when I have time, if you are interested.
good point, only 4 days training and 3 days rest but ?
ATM it loks like this;
DAY 1- Legs
Day 2- Rest
Day 3-Chest, delts, tri
Day 4- Rest
Day 5- Back, bi
Day 6-Rest
Day 7-Rest or start day 1 again. I Do cardio 30 mins low intensity straight after weights, and 45-60mins on rest days.
I will change this every three months, but this is my current, and I'm getting great results.
the idea is that since there is only the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor you can only contract the whole pectoralis major and there is no focus on the lower or upper part of that muscle I.E. You can't contract only half the pectoralis major if that makes sense. It's either a contraction or it's not.
That however ignores the idea that fibers are recruited in different parts of the muscle from diff chest variations. (which is why I personally feel "the burn" after chest variation dips right in the middle near the sternum while I feel DB bench near the ends of my pecs). So dips recruit a fibers from a part of the pectoralis major more heavily than others etc.
45 degree is great for pumping the chest and gaining the size of the chest,...
And 30 degree is useful for shoulders more than chest,...So 45 degree is more effective for the chest,..anti aging
Last edited by Adley; 05-28-2011 at 10:51 AM.
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