Hey guys I'm going to try this routine starting next week and would like some input - anything to add or change. Or if anyone has tried a routine like this and what they thought of it...
My most recent routine Ive been doing for the last 2 months is the standard 3-day split:
Monday: Chest, Shoulder, Tris
Wednesday: Back and Bis
Friday: Legs
Im now going to be following the same 3-day split but it is repeated every 6 days instead of 7 and looks like this:
Mon - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Strength 5 - 6 reps)
Tues - Rest
Wed - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Thurs - Rest
Fri - Legs/ Quads & Calves
Sat - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Sun - Rest
Mon - Back & Bis (Strength 5 - 6 reps)
Tues - Rest
Wed - Legs/ Hamstrings calves
Thurs - Rest
Fri - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Sat - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Sun - Rest
Mon - Legs/ Quads & Calves
Tues - Rest
Wed - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Thurs - Rest
Fri - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
Sat - Legs/ Hamstrings calves
Sun - Rest
The routine allows me to train chest and back 3 times in 2 weeks, doing 1 strength session and 2 hypertrophy sessions. Any feedback will be appreciated