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Thread: New routine - non-conventional

  1. #1

    New routine - non-conventional

    Hey guys I'm going to try this routine starting next week and would like some input - anything to add or change. Or if anyone has tried a routine like this and what they thought of it...

    My most recent routine Ive been doing for the last 2 months is the standard 3-day split:

    Monday: Chest, Shoulder, Tris
    Wednesday: Back and Bis
    Friday: Legs

    Im now going to be following the same 3-day split but it is repeated every 6 days instead of 7 and looks like this:

    Mon - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Strength 5 - 6 reps)
    Tues - Rest
    Wed - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Thurs - Rest
    Fri - Legs/ Quads & Calves
    Sat - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Sun - Rest

    Mon - Back & Bis (Strength 5 - 6 reps)
    Tues - Rest
    Wed - Legs/ Hamstrings calves
    Thurs - Rest
    Fri - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Sat - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Sun - Rest

    Mon - Legs/ Quads & Calves
    Tues - Rest
    Wed - Chest, Shoulders & Tris (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Thurs - Rest
    Fri - Back & Bi's (Hypertrophy 10 - 12 reps)
    Sat - Legs/ Hamstrings calves
    Sun - Rest


    The routine allows me to train chest and back 3 times in 2 weeks, doing 1 strength session and 2 hypertrophy sessions. Any feedback will be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    How many work sets for each exercise?

    Mixing rep ranges is very good idea, you shock the muscle into growth and you reduce the chance of injury, IMO

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    How many work sets for each exercise?

    Mixing rep ranges is very good idea, you shock the muscle into growth and you reduce the chance of injury, IMO
    For strength days i was thinking something like 5 sets x 5-6 reps and hypertrophy 3-4 sets x 10 - 12 reps....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    stats, age/ht/wt/bf%/training experience and what exactly are you specifically trying to accomplish? I am confused by your use of the word "hypertrophy" in the workout routine, are you referring to HST? Hypertrophy is individual dependant and not guaranteed to occur within a 10-12 rep range nor will it necessarily not occur in the 5-6 rep range, you should be inducing this no matter the rep range if you are training with proper intensity!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It would be wise to implement a deload plan otherwise your tendons/ligaments are gonna be screaming. Also IMO, 1 day of rest isn't enough for your chest, shoulders, and tris to be worked again. Assuming you've yet to achieve herculean status in the gym, sticking with the many tried n true methods isn't a bad idea.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    It would be wise to implement a deload plan otherwise your tendons/ligaments are gonna be screaming. Also IMO, 1 day of rest isn't enough for your chest, shoulders, and tris to be worked again. Assuming you've yet to achieve herculean status in the gym, sticking with the many tried n true methods isn't a bad idea.
    I didn't see anywhere he worked the same muscle group without a minimum of four days in between so five or six days of rest, did I miss something? I personally think this is undertraining each muscle group, but until I know the stats and see some pics, I'll reserve final judgement.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I didn't see anywhere he worked the same muscle group without a minimum of four days in between so five or six days of rest, did I miss something? I personally think this is undertraining each muscle group, but until I know the stats and see some pics, I'll reserve final judgement.
    It all gets a little confusing figuring out the best way to train and eat because everyone seems to have different opinions...


    Age: 24
    Height: 191 cm
    Weight: 96 kg
    BF: 12%
    Training experience: 6 years on and off - Have consistent for the past 4 months now, before that had 6 weeks off over christmas holidays to travel
    Short term Goals: Gain size with lean mass and shed body fat - in exactly 8 weeks Im going on a 2 week holiday so Im not trying to bulk up as much as I can but just trying to gain lean mass size. Im dont feel Im big enough atm to do an all out cutting diet and routine.
    Long Term Goals: GET HUGE
    Diet: Consistently eat 6 solid meals a day - (Breakfast) 3/4 cup Oats in water & 8 eggs white, (Meal 2, 3, & 4) 125g Chicken Breast, Broccoli & 1/2 cup basmati rice or sweet potato, (Meal 5) Post workout shake - 2 scoops whey protein blended with 1 banana, 4 strawberries & handful blueberries, (Meal 6) 140 g Lean steak, cucumber, tomatoes, mushrooms & 1/2 avocado or handful of almonds.
    Sunday - Cheat day

  8. #8
    I will greatly appreciate any recommendations for training routine, techniques or diet advice. Cheers guys

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I didn't see anywhere he worked the same muscle group without a minimum of four days in between so five or six days of rest, did I miss something? I personally think this is undertraining each muscle group, but until I know the stats and see some pics, I'll reserve final judgement.
    Oh no that was my fault sorry, i misread some of that.

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