Age 57
Height 511
Weight 195
Bf 22%
On May 6th I will be havin rotater cuff surgery on left shoulder. I have been pretty limited for the last month since I blew it out. However now will have no use of left arm. It will be straped to side for at least 6 weeks.
I have recently mad some very good gains and do not want to loose everthing.
My idea is to alternate days of cardio mostly stair stepper and leg work> I will not be able to squat so am looking for some ideas. I think I should be able to
Horzontal leg press
seated hamstring curls
Calf raises will be a question not sure about having weight on shoulder so maybe seated
Any other ideas and how best to put this together so my legs come out of this as my best body part they are now lagging well behind.