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Thread: Lower back problem areas..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Lower back problem areas..

    this may be a dumb question and Im AWARE that cardio is the BEST thing to cut body fat PERIOD. BUT as I see the fat come off my body and arms and shoulders cut up my STUBBORN ASSSSSSS Genetic gift of LOVE HANDLES on the lower back side remain and its DRIVING ME NUTS. Do you think ab workouts and what not actually cut fat off the mid section? or is it all hype and cardio is my only option? If there ARE excersizes to rid these damn areas what are they?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i have the exact same problem with love handles and lower back fat. having more muscle burns more of the fat on top of it so doing ab exercises can strengthen your core and help burn fat, but as you said cardio is a must. genetics also play a very big part of it. im at about 12-13% bodyfat but unless u see my lower back and abs you would think i was closer to 10%. it will eventually go if u cut enough, just takes time and lots of work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    yeah the rest of my body is comin into place nicely and im REALLY happy with it but as soon as I see the small pooch around the belly button and when i take back pics the lower love handles look so out of place I just wana throw something lol. My WHOLE family has same problems. ALL in the SAME location. GRRRR

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    yup all those genetics there

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