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Thread: Keeping the pump

  1. #1

    Keeping the pump

    I have noticed that my body is getting more defined but not hard.

    I see some guys that may not be cut but seem to have a hard look to them. When I work out my muscles swell drastically but I cannot keep that pump look or get my muscles to grow.

    I think I am giving my body enough nutrient and time to rest and I push myself hard and up the weight every 2 months or so once a weight gets easy to do.

    Any clues on how to force muscle growth outside of AAS? I plan on doing a basic cycle soon but would like to gain that hardness and keep that pump look.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Change your training style, try some shock tactics like drop setting,super setting, HIT, pre-exhaust, volume training etc. Work out for less time but more intense, switch things around and force growth to happen. Go back to basics and just do compound movements for 2-3 weeks hit it hard and fast. If you have become stale switch things around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What are your stats? age/Ht/Wt/BF%/training experience, what is your current diet and lifting program?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    What are your stats? age/Ht/Wt/BF%/training experience, what is your current diet and lifting program?
    You have asked me this before. Here is the link.

    Think I am gonna start drop setting everything come next week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    You have asked me this before. Here is the link.

    Think I am gonna start drop setting everything come next week.
    Drop sets are a good way to keep the pump, the key is to only perform them for one bodypart per workout and save it for the last one or two exercises. Don't do them on back to back weeks, so if you do a dropset for chest this week don't do them for back, then the next week change it. You can do dropsets for triceps and biceps especially if you train them together and superset them. Post up a plan and I'll offer some suggestons.

  6. #6
    I think for BI and Tri I will do my normal workout and push my dumbbell curls to max and then drop set down from 45 to 35/25? and on my triceps I will do skull crushers max at 90 and then drop down to 70/60?

    Chest I will do flat bench(very weak here) at 185 then drop down to 145/ 125 and back cable pulls 120 and drop to 100/90, shoulders standing press 90 and drop down to 70/60?

    What do you think

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    When I perform drop sets I will do five plus sets with no rest, every set to failure. Bench I load up 2 25lb plates on inside both sides and 2 35lb plates on outside both sides, so 285 lbs, lift to failure, spotters peel off outside plates, I have stayed in position and kept my hands on the bar, as soon as the outside plates are off I start lifting with the 215lbs, repeat, drop to 145, then 95 then finish with just the bar. Biceps I do concentration curls and drop 5lbs a time down to the 10lbs.

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