reckon theres any point working out today if im going to be getting really drunk at a party tonight? or should i skip todays workout?
reckon theres any point working out today if im going to be getting really drunk at a party tonight? or should i skip todays workout?
IMHO you shouldnt drink while cutting or bulking but to answer your question NEVER skip a workout!!!
ehhhh i have to drink there, gotta have fun lol. but cheeeeers
sounds like your looking for an excuse not to train..if your not into it id say theres no reason to work out...personaly id never miss a workout regardless of my plans later but thats just me...have fun bro...
it would be better to workout that day before you drink as opposed to the next day when your hungover as hell.
Might as well work out anyways.
No point working out then boozing it up - your muscles wont repair / recover very well!
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