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Thread: I HATE cardio!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I HATE cardio!

    Off day of the gym. Figured I'd go for a run up at the school around the block with my dog. I stretch out and bit and start jogging. Less than a 1/3 mile I get shin splints so damn bad I can hardly walk. My back aches like yell and I feel jarred all to shit. Why can I not run for the life of me. I've never ever been able to run over a mile without near falling on my face. I hit the treadmill or oliptical at the gym for about 5 minutes every day and by the end of that 5 minutes I'm DONE. And this is a mild jog.
    How do I overcome this?
    Its not that I feel winded really. Shin splints are terrible and it just seems to cramp up my whole body after that.

  2. #2
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    Find something else....gotta love it. What about riding a bike? outside? like a kid?

  3. #3
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    Yeah, I'm glad the weather has broke, now that its nicer, its time to get my bike back out. I am fairly heavy into mountain biking, I need to get my a road bike. A full suspension mountain bike it terrible riding around town on.

  4. #4
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    I can't run either. I only do target heart rate cardio. It doesn't leave me winded and feel good afterward. I usually ride a stationary bike, but sometime walk at a 4mph pace.

  5. #5
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    Try a better pair of running shoes. They will be in the $100-130 range. Have them fitted and find out if you are possibly pronating too much. A good athletic store will video tape you running then analyze it for free. Then they can correct you via insoles. Otherwise try and find different insoles and expirement on your own.
    Secondly, you will need to listen to some good music to take your mind off of the run since you have it in your mind you can't run. Also a treadmill or track is easier on the shins than a road or sidewalk. Nobody hated running more than me, I have since learned to almost like it.

  6. #6
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    Running or any other physical activity requires work to get better at it. Same applies to weight lifting but proper footwear is also important. An oliptical might be the best bet for you since it is easier on the shins.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    I think you will find most people do not enjoy doing cardio, nor do they find dieting all that much fun either. If they were easy and fun everyone on the board would be sub 10% bodyfat.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    Try a better pair of running shoes. They will be in the $100-130 range. Have them fitted and find out if you are possibly pronating too much. A good athletic store will video tape you running then analyze it for free. Then they can correct you via insoles. Otherwise try and find different insoles and expirement on your own.
    Secondly, you will need to listen to some good music to take your mind off of the run since you have it in your mind you can't run. Also a treadmill or track is easier on the shins than a road or sidewalk. Nobody hated running more than me, I have since learned to almost like it.
    BINGO! go get fitted for shoes. your feet will thank you! and like this person said, i hated running when i first started out as well. i have asthma so imagine trying to run while breathing out of a straw. get some shoes that fit you and you can also find other sources of cardio. ever try rowing?

  9. #9
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    Shoes? whenever I find a pair I like? I buy multiples and I mean... A LOT! And when you love your shoes? You will go out the door. They say putting your shoes on is the first step.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunSlingR View Post
    Off day of the gym. Figured I'd go for a run up at the school around the block with my dog. I stretch out and bit and start jogging. Less than a 1/3 mile I get shin splints so damn bad I can hardly walk. My back aches like yell and I feel jarred all to shit. Why can I not run for the life of me. I've never ever been able to run over a mile without near falling on my face. I hit the treadmill or oliptical at the gym for about 5 minutes every day and by the end of that 5 minutes I'm DONE. And this is a mild jog.
    How do I overcome this?
    Its not that I feel winded really. Shin splints are terrible and it just seems to cramp up my whole body after that.
    That used to be the story of my life. I realized that it doesn't matter which type of shoes you wear or how tight you tie them----the issue is probably running (or doing any other types of cardio) on a FLAT surface. Every since I switched to Incline speed walking on the treadmill, all of those horrible things went away. I now look forward to doing cardio.

    *On a side note, loading an abundance of Chili Peppers songs on my Ipod makes cardio a hell of a lot easier.
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 05-05-2011 at 11:44 AM.

  11. #11
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    Start with walking. Slowly increase speed, than move to jog/walks. Stop jogging just before shin splints start to occur. Simply your body is not used to the stress and is freaking out. You need to introduce the stress slowly to allow your body adequate time to adapt.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunSlingR View Post
    Off day of the gym. Figured I'd go for a run up at the school around the block with my dog. I stretch out and bit and start jogging. Less than a 1/3 mile I get shin splints so damn bad I can hardly walk. My back aches like yell and I feel jarred all to shit. Why can I not run for the life of me. I've never ever been able to run over a mile without near falling on my face. I hit the treadmill or oliptical at the gym for about 5 minutes every day and by the end of that 5 minutes I'm DONE. And this is a mild jog.
    How do I overcome this?
    Its not that I feel winded really. Shin splints are terrible and it just seems to cramp up my whole body after that.
    i suffer splints aswell, very debilitating. try walking briskly on an incline for as long as you can and when it gets unbearable switch to the bike for 10mins and then go back. i alternate like this and it keps some interest up and gives the pain a break

  13. #13
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    Gunslingr, are you currently running a cycle? If so, of what?

  14. #14
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    no i know what it is.... i have this really bad and have cracked the code so to speak lololol... what you have to do is get a bike and ride it intensly for a month or so and after that just start jogging and i swear ull have a spring in your step and no shin splints i know exactly what you mean it fills like your shine muscle splits away from your bone it hurts like a b@sterd ive had to just stand in one spot before because of the pain half way up a hill looking like an idoit but do what i said with the bike and youll never have it again hope this helps mate!

  15. #15
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    Agree with peeble, I could never run either even though I was a professional cyclist.

    Then at 52 I got good shoes and started walking when I got to where I could walk 4 miles without a problem then every 1000 ft I would jog for maybe 50 ft as that was as far as I could jog while maintaining good form and not pounding the ground. Well as time passed I got to 100ft of jogging and by the end of the year I could job 1/8th mile no problem. Also for me when I say jog I actually mean running slowly, for me I have to run to keep the up and down pounding out of my stride anyway this is what worked for me, sure being able to run an 1/8th mile and walk an 1/8th is no record setting pace but its better than I could do at 23 when I had a resting heartbeat of 36.

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