Let me remind you, I am workout in the basement, do to the fact I don't have the budget to get to a gym.
Everyday I am going to try and get 30minture of treadmill in, and on off days get 45-1hr.
Mon - Chest/back
Bench press 4 x 8-10
Dumbbell Flys 4 x 10
Straight-arm pullovers 4 x 8-10
Close grip chins 4 x 10 (unless I can do more)
Bent-over rows 4 x 10-12
One arm dumbbell row 4 x 15
Deadlifts 4 x 10
Tue - Shoulder/leg
Arnold press 4 x 10
Military press 4 x 10
Dumbbell fly 4 x 10
Standing Dumbbell Raises 3 x 12
Up-right rows 4 x 12
Lunges 3x 10
Leg curls 4 x 12
Leg extensions 4 x 12
Straight deadlift 4 x 15
Calf raises 4 x 15(need to build something for this)
Wed - Arm/abs
Standing dumbbell curls 4 x 12
Preacher curls 4 x 10
Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 12
Reverse curls 3 x 10
Seated tricep press 3 x 10
Close grip Press 4 x 10
One arm tricep press 3 x 10
Hanging reverse crunch 4 x 10
Seated Leg tucks 3 x 10
Sit-up crunch 4 x 20
Thur - off
Friday - Abs
Sat - off
Sun - off