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Thread: Is this to much or too little?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Near Barrie

    Is this to much or too little?

    Let me remind you, I am workout in the basement, do to the fact I don't have the budget to get to a gym.

    Everyday I am going to try and get 30minture of treadmill in, and on off days get 45-1hr.

    Mon - Chest/back

    Bench press 4 x 8-10
    Dumbbell Flys 4 x 10
    Straight-arm pullovers 4 x 8-10
    Close grip chins 4 x 10 (unless I can do more)
    Bent-over rows 4 x 10-12
    One arm dumbbell row 4 x 15
    Deadlifts 4 x 10

    Tue - Shoulder/leg

    Arnold press 4 x 10
    Military press 4 x 10
    Dumbbell fly 4 x 10
    Standing Dumbbell Raises 3 x 12
    Up-right rows 4 x 12
    Lunges 3x 10
    Leg curls 4 x 12
    Leg extensions 4 x 12
    Straight deadlift 4 x 15
    Calf raises 4 x 15(need to build something for this)

    Wed - Arm/abs

    Standing dumbbell curls 4 x 12
    Preacher curls 4 x 10
    Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 12
    Reverse curls 3 x 10
    Seated tricep press 3 x 10
    Close grip Press 4 x 10
    One arm tricep press 3 x 10
    Hanging reverse crunch 4 x 10
    Seated Leg tucks 3 x 10
    Sit-up crunch 4 x 20

    Thur - off

    Friday - Abs

    Sat - off

    Sun - off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    on that split it looks pretty good but i would suggest breaking it up by days. do chest and back on monday, legs and shoulders on wednesday, arms and abs friday. you can run tuesday thursday saturday and then do abs again on sunday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    I agree with gthom47 - seems like you might be trying to cram in too many muscle groups in one day. It would be better to work major muscle groups like chest and back on their own day, and then combine smaller muscle groups like biceps/triceps on other days. It may mean more days in the gym, but since you're working out in the basement, that's not as much of a concern.
    As for the number of exercises and sets, everyone has their own idea about what's too much or too little. Instead of cramming in four different exercises for smaller muscle groups like bi's / tri's each workout, try mixing it up so that you're doing five good sets of three exercises per workout, but switching up the exercises every week or every-other week.
    For me, I never aim for a certain number of reps, but simply lift to failure each set - that way you're always pushing your muscles to the max.

    My typical weekly workout spread might look like this (it's important to take into consideration the day you choose to work a given muscle group, because they might be already somewhat shredded from the day before. For example, working shoulders the day after chest, or biceps the day after back may not be the best idea):

    Monday: Chest
    Tuesday: Back
    Wednesday: Thighs or day off
    Thursday: Biceps / Triceps
    Friday: Shoulders / Calves
    Saturday: Thighs or day off

    This schedule keeps you in the gym five days per week, but for much shorter intervals than your regimen.

    As for abs, choose lighter days when you can do super sets, mixing up your ab work with other exercises.
    Last edited by TOkidd; 05-02-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well he could do them on the same day, just then put a day of rest in between chest/back day and shoulder/leg day. otherwise you will be burnt out right in the beginning of ur week

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Near Barrie
    Ok thanks, well I was trying to pick out the lifts I can do at home, and I found a picture layout to show me how to do them and what not, I have been working out for some time now but, just never had any layout and I am trying to cut and never did 4 sets on any of my lifts.

    But now I want to lower the weight abit and do higher reps and more set to get some burning going on, But today is my arm so I will do what you both said and get in a full week. thanks guys!

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