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Thread: will layne's split be good for my cycle?

  1. #1

    will layne's split be good for my cycle?

    hey guys,

    about to smash a deca @ 400mg and test e @ 500 mg p/w with a hopefully good diet (posted in diet section)

    was wondering if layne nortons split would be good for size increase but also assisting in decreasing body fat %. have lost about 5kg's and gained muscle over a period of approx 1.5 months. so it does work....just thinking would it be good for a size-obtaining-cycle.

    Sunday: Upper Power
    -Barbell Bench Press
    -Barbell Rows
    -Military Press
    -Barbell Shrugs

    Monday: Lower Power
    -Back Squat
    -dead lifts
    -Stiff Leg Deadlift, Or Romanian DL
    -6-8 sets of Standing Calf, little higher reps, i like to do 6-8 on heavy days

    Tues: Off
    (I usually do some cardio)

    Wednesday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms
    (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)

    -DB Incline Bech 3x8-12
    -Barbell Close Grip Bench 3x8-12
    -DB Flat Bench 2x8-12
    -Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super setted with
    -Standing French Press 3x8-12
    -Push Downs 3x8-12 super setted with
    -DB Hammer Curls
    -Cable Crossovers 3x8-12
    -Machine Curl 3x8-12 sutted with
    -Machine Dips 3x8-12

    Thursday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps
    (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)

    -DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super setted with
    -DB Front Raise 3x8-12
    -DB One Arm Row 3x8-12 super setted with
    -DB Arnold Press 3x8-12
    -Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 2x8-12 super setted with
    -DB Shrugs 2x10-15
    -Lat Pull Down (Close grip, palms facing in) 2x8-12 super setted with
    -DB Upright Row 2x10-15
    -T-bar row 2x8-12 (Usually too tired/dead to do this last exercise, but some times i do it)

    Friday: Hypertrophy Legs/Calves
    (For hypertrophy days i never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)

    -Hack Squat 5x8-12 super setted with
    -Standing Calf 5x10-15
    -Leg Extensions 5x10-15 super setted with
    -Sitting Leg Curls 5x10-15 super setted with
    -Sitting Calf Raise 4x8-12

    Saturday: Off
    (cardio if you want)

    any additions/constructive critique would be great - cheers boys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Honestly, this workout doesn't make sense too me!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Agreed, looks all over the place to me

  4. #4
    really? :-S

    with it being from Layne Norton heaps of people recommend it?!

    i have been on it for a month or so and love it???

    suppose ill have to look to modify it, i like the idea of heavy days and then days where you use super sets to get the pump in there....

    any other lifting suggestions?

    guess ill look at other programs and see what they produce

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    I dont like the part it says stop before failure, also seems like alot of sets to superset. I like changing strength training mixed up with typical higher reps but not for every body part every week.

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