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Thread: Need some rear delt exercises, any suggestions?

  1. #1

    Need some rear delt exercises, any suggestions?

    Need some help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario

    While your rear delts get a lot of action during back day, there are two basic exercises you can use to target the rear delt specifically.
    First, there's bent-over dumbell flys, usually seated.
    Second, most gyms have a machine for doing chest flies that can be adjusted so that you sit backwards on it and use it to hit your rear delts. If you do have a gym membership and the gym has one of these machines, I'd say this is the best of the two exercises because it's so targeted, but dumbell flys are a mainstay.

    Either of these exercises are a great way to target your rear delts, but like I said, the rows you do on back day give them a fair bit of action.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    personally i love bent over dumbbell flys. i really feel like they destroy your rear delts. face pulls also work at hitting rear delts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Agree with the above^^

    Lay face down on a bench at around a 30 degree incline and db fly.

    Do it on back days as the finishing movement and do it high reps or drop sets.

    They also get hit pretty well if you do BB rows with a wide grip.

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