Why is it that I can SLDL say 300lbs for 10 with good form and have no discomfort but when I do a high bar or low bar squat I'll use less weight and I'm significantly weaker? With long limbs and short torso I'm more designed for pulling but I can't believe the difference in strength between the 2 exercises.
I prefer the high bar squat since low bar just gives me lower back pain and I understand that a high bar technique will utilize more quad but my numbers between high and low bar are very similar. How crucial are quads for a strong squat and should your SLDL numbers be a good indication of what you should be putting up for your squat? I suppose the way the posterior chain is activated between the two exercises is completely different since one is pulling and the other is essentially pushing.
I train for bodybuilding so I'm not looking to train like a power lifter I just want to get more out of my squat for maximum hypertrophy. Thanks for reading.