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Thread: Using N.O. and or caffeine supps before cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Your GF's house

    Using N.O. and or caffeine supps before cardio

    I'm doing fat loss target heart rate cardio. Being as these supps increase heart rate, should I not use them during cardio? Will they throw off the target heart rate or should I just keep my heart rate slightly higher to compensate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Based off of your assumptions you should not use them because it will alter your nervous system contributions which alter your hormonal profile and subsequently lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Am I correct that your assumption is that is more important to burn higher fat kcal%/ session than total kcal/ session? What if your assumption is wrong? What if burning total kcal matters more or even the same?

    Studies by Graham & Spriet have shown that caffeine increases time to fatigue and decrease rate of perceived exertion therefore you can work harder (burn more kcal/ unit of time) and longer (burn increased kcal for longer duration).

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I had to read that twice. Could ya dumb it down a littl? LOL

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    I'm doing fat loss target heart rate cardio. Being as these supps increase heart rate, should I not use them during cardio? Will they throw off the target heart rate or should I just keep my heart rate slightly higher to compensate?
    Assuming your diet is good to go, cardio and dieting along with muscle building is a more than potent combination to burn fat. In my opinion, most supplements (such as the ones you listed) will burn through your wallet faster than your fat.

  5. #5
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    I'm not using them to burn fat, just for energy. Just wondering if they have a negative effect on my target heart rate cardio being as they raise the heart rate. Basically am I getting the same fat burning results with or without the supps?

  6. #6
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    Ill take a fat burner before a cardio session, just to give my body a bit more energy. I dont think it would change the amount of fat you burn.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    I'm not using them to burn fat, just for energy. Just wondering if they have a negative effect on my target heart rate cardio being as they raise the heart rate. Basically am I getting the same fat burning results with or without the supps?
    I misread your original post then, apologies. I still think they are all just over-marketed rubbish. I've read the ingredients on some of them, would never put those chemicals in my body. Did chemistry lab work with versions of some of that stuff. It's really just caffeine + filler.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    I'm not using them to burn fat, just for energy. Just wondering if they have a negative effect on my target heart rate cardio being as they raise the heart rate. Basically am I getting the same fat burning results with or without the supps?
    Caffeine increases carbohydrate oxidation which would decrease fat oxidation IF you have ingested carbs in your systrem to be used as energy. Basically caffeine enable your body to more effectively use carbs for energy - reducing the need to turn to fat stroes for energy. So if you are doing cardio on an empty stomach - caffeine is fine ..if not - avoid caffeine pre cardio.

  9. #9
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