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Thread: on cycle workout critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    on cycle workout critique

    i am planning on starting a cycle of just test e for 12 weeks in july and wanted to make sure my workout looked good for it.

    Monday- Chest
    Bench press- 4 sets pyramid 10-4
    Incline db press- 4 sets pyramid 10-4
    Flat bench db fly- 5x 6-10
    Weighted Dips- 5x6-10
    DB Pull Over- 5x6-10

    Tuesday: Back
    Deadlift- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Weighted Wide Grip Chin Ups- 5xfailure
    Bent Over Barbell Row- 5 sets 10,8,6,6,4
    Seated Cable Row- 4x8-15
    Lat Pull Down- 4x8-15
    Hyperextensions- 5x8-15

    Cardio- 30-45min LISS
    Abs- bodyweight routine

    Thursday: Shoulders
    Seated Military Press- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Arnold Press- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Barbell Upright Row- 3x8-10
    DB Lat Raise- 3x10-12
    Superset Bent Over DB Lat Raise- 3x10-12
    DB Shrug- 4x8-10

    Friday: Arms
    Standing Barbell Curl- 4x8-12
    Incline DB Curl- 4x8-12
    Preacher Curl- 4x10
    Triceps Push Down- 4sets 15,12,10,8
    Skull Crusher- 4x8-12
    Superset press- 4x8-12
    Bench Dips- 2x 8,12,failure(Arnold routine)
    Barbell Wrist Curls- 4x8-12

    Saturday: Legs, Abs
    Squat- 5sets 10,8,6,6,4
    Leg Press- 5x8-10
    Extensions- 4x8-12
    Calf Raises-4x8-12
    Weighted Incline Sit up- 5x10-15
    Hanging Knee Raise- 5x8-12
    Lying Leg Raise- 4x10

    Cardio- HIT
    Abs- body weight routine

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    At a glance, you have way to many exercises and way too many reps. As well, you need more rest time between abs so move saturdays routine to a different day. You also don't need to go crazy with ab exercises. At the end of the day, you need a low bodyfat % to have a rockin' 6pack. I don't want to give you any wrong advice so I can't comment too much more than that but I'm sure one of the more experienced members will help you out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ok anyone else have anything/ ways to change it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gthom47 View Post
    i am planning on starting a cycle of just test e for 12 weeks in july and wanted to make sure my workout looked good for it.

    Monday- Chest
    Bench press- 4 sets pyramid 10-4
    Incline db press- 4 sets pyramid 10-4
    Flat bench db fly- 5x 6-10
    Weighted Dips- 5x6-10
    DB Pull Over- 5x6-10

    Tuesday: Back
    Deadlift- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Weighted Wide Grip Chin Ups- 5xfailure
    Bent Over Barbell Row- 5 sets 10,8,6,6,4
    Seated Cable Row- 4x8-15
    Lat Pull Down- 4x8-15
    Hyperextensions- 5x8-15 ---- I'd drop these

    Cardio- 30-45min LISS
    Abs- bodyweight routine

    Thursday: Shoulders
    Seated Military Press- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Arnold Press- 4 sets 10,8,6,4
    Barbell Upright Row- 3x8-10 ------ maybe drop these
    DB Lat Raise- 3x10-12
    Superset Bent Over DB Lat Raise- 3x10-12 ------ I'd drop the superset here. just do the side laterals, then the bent over laterals
    DB Shrug- 4x8-10

    Friday: Arms
    Standing Barbell Curl- 4x8-12
    Incline DB Curl- 4x8-12 -------- swap for standing dumbell curls
    Preacher Curl- 4x10 ------- drop these
    Triceps Push Down- 4sets 15,12,10,8
    Skull Crusher- 4x8-12
    Superset press- 4x8-12 ------- no superset needed
    Bench Dips- 2x 8,12,failure(Arnold routine)
    Barbell Wrist Curls- 4x8-12

    Saturday: Legs, Abs
    Squat- 5sets 10,8,6,6,4
    Leg Press- 5x8-10
    Extensions- 4x8-12 --------- do these 1st as only really any good for warming up, as mostly a shaping exercise
    Calf Raises-4x8-12 --------- add in another claf exercise
    Weighted Incline Sit up- 5x10-15
    Hanging Knee Raise- 5x8-12 --------- drop
    Lying Leg Raise- 4x10 ---------- drop

    Cardio- HIT
    Abs- body weight routine
    I haven't spent a huge amount of time here, so others may be able to help more, but its 2.30 am now while i'm typing this, and i'm off to bed
    As Windex said, don't overdo the abs, they're a muscle like any other and need rest and time to grow. Also keep the sets to 3-4 imo with a warm up set too.
    Good luck with the course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Also add in stiff legged deadlift to leg routine for your hams.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i never really liked stiff legged deadlifts. i have leg curls in there, should i still add another lift for it? ok i would take out the bodyweight ab routines.

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