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We don't spoon feed here so nobody is going to give you a "weekly plan". Moreover, everyone has different preferences for exercises, and even within exercises people have different preferences (ie - Machine vs. Free Weight and Dumbbell vs. Barbell) so short of copying someone elses exact workout routine there is no one size fit all training. You can pretty much youtube any exercise or lift and there will be a personal trainer showing you how to do it. In addition, beyond there being 101 possibilities for training, there is different schools of thought. Some people train large muscle groups once a week, twice a week, etc. Maybe you're interested in a 5x5 for strength training then build mass later. If you say you eat like an average person, the average person these days is actually relatively unhealthy. Obesity is a huge problem in North America. Given your stats, I don't think you meet this criteria. However, in order to gain weight, your going to have to get your diet in line. In addition nutrition =/= bodybuilding. Don't get me wrong. nutritionists are very intelligent people and some offer great bodybuilding advice but the bulk of them will direct you more of a "healthy lifestyle" mentality. A personal trainer may be more beneficial in terms of dieting paired with muscle mass.
Basically, everything starts with your eating. If you can't eat properly you will inevitably plateau in a short period of time because your inadequately supplying your body with nutrients. I strongly recommend to visit the diet section of this forum and post what a typical day would look like for you in terms of eating. Most people who come on the forums saying the eat clean end up having a rather poor diet from a bodybuilding perspective (myself included when I first started). It may be a rude awakening for you. Conversely, it may be as simple as changing a few food choices.
Once your diet is overlooked and analyzed, spend some time coming up with a workout routine you think may be successful towards your goals. If you can put the time in to creating something, people will be more than happy tweaking and improving it for you.