Hey fellas, aussie member here bout to start getting into some bodybuilding to see how far I can push myself first of all stats are
Around 100kg +\- 2 or 3 kg
Been weight training for about 5 years only for football though so no real serious stuff only really maintenance strength training
Havent used any gear before, ran 2 cycles of Clen for preseason training that's about it.
Diet is in check and has been spot on for at least 6 months eg quick idea of what I'm eating
Meal 1: complex carbs eg oats and fruit or eggwhites/ wholemeal toast
2: protein shake, handful almonds fruit
3: chicken breast , broccoli, string beans capsicum
4: protein shake , nuts
5: chicken breast broccoli beans capsicum
6: chicken breast/ lean meat beef or kangaroo / green veg
Only supplements I'm taking are multivitamins, green tea, flaxseed oil, L-carnitine and have some
Novadex xt and activate xtreme that about to start soon to try raise test levels a bit.
I'm still playing football but looking to start serious bbing at end if season currently doing football trainin Tuesday and thurdays so thats
My cardio training gym work usually wednesday Friday and Monday's depending on recovery from the weekend game.
My gym stats are
Deadlifts about 160kg x 8 reps
Squats 160x 8 reps
Bench 100 x 4 reps
Just for the basic exercises
I'm struggling alot with my chest and shoulder workouts as they are usually sore after the weekend football game would like to know some good recovery ideas or training excercises that could help
Me gain strength/ size in both If you think I'm doing anything wrong in any area let me know so I can correct it I'm open for ideas and I know you blokes have the answers