OK I know no-one likes reading long threads so I will attempt to give you all the facts in bullet format and then ask my question.
46 Years old. 5'10"
Started HRT about 6 months ago. I was 170 pounds 32 waist.
3 months later I am 200 pounds. Snug in 32 comfortable in 34 waist pants.
I lift 6 days a week two muscles each day 9 sets per muscle Heavy as I can getting between 8 to 15 reps.
Example: Day one Chest 3 sets incline 3 sets flat 3 sets decline then Tri's 6 to 9 sets different tri exercises. Next day two different muscles and so on etc..
Decided to do a 10 week burst. Started Burst 250mg Test Cyp 2XW.
Started Burst at exactly 200 Pounds. Today is 3 weeks and one day into burst.
I have gained only 2 pounds so far. No sides whatsoever.
Here is the questions?
1. Is this a normal amount of gain after only 3 weeks on? It is my first cycle.
2. Once I started my cycle I have taken zero days off from lifting so I have lifted 22 days straight now and probably even longer since I don't remember how long without a day off before the cycle either. Am I not resting enough?
I notice some days my strength seems not to be there and other days I feel like I increased strength. I am starting to think maybe I am over working my nervous system and not giving my body enough recovery time or I am doing too many sets.
I really could use some advice on the amount of working I should do. I am thinking of not going to the gym tomorrow based on feedback here.
I usually spend 1.5 to 2 hours each day lifting. I take 3 to 5 minutes breaks between sets.
I don't want to waste days on my cycle but if not resting enough is the problem then I need to rest more.
Last I am eating good. I won't get into complete diet here it would take too long but I average around 200 grams protein each day sometimes a bit more.
Anyone need more info just ask. Any advice is appreciated I want to get the most out of my fist and maybe last cycle. At 46 maybe I am expecting too much or it just hasn't kicked in yet?