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Thread: Am I doing something wrong?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Am I doing something wrong?

    OK I know no-one likes reading long threads so I will attempt to give you all the facts in bullet format and then ask my question.

    46 Years old. 5'10"

    Started HRT about 6 months ago. I was 170 pounds 32 waist.

    3 months later I am 200 pounds. Snug in 32 comfortable in 34 waist pants.
    I lift 6 days a week two muscles each day 9 sets per muscle Heavy as I can getting between 8 to 15 reps.

    Example: Day one Chest 3 sets incline 3 sets flat 3 sets decline then Tri's 6 to 9 sets different tri exercises. Next day two different muscles and so on etc..

    Decided to do a 10 week burst. Started Burst 250mg Test Cyp 2XW.

    Started Burst at exactly 200 Pounds. Today is 3 weeks and one day into burst.

    I have gained only 2 pounds so far. No sides whatsoever.

    Here is the questions?
    1. Is this a normal amount of gain after only 3 weeks on? It is my first cycle.

    2. Once I started my cycle I have taken zero days off from lifting so I have lifted 22 days straight now and probably even longer since I don't remember how long without a day off before the cycle either. Am I not resting enough?

    I notice some days my strength seems not to be there and other days I feel like I increased strength. I am starting to think maybe I am over working my nervous system and not giving my body enough recovery time or I am doing too many sets.

    I really could use some advice on the amount of working I should do. I am thinking of not going to the gym tomorrow based on feedback here.

    I usually spend 1.5 to 2 hours each day lifting. I take 3 to 5 minutes breaks between sets.

    I don't want to waste days on my cycle but if not resting enough is the problem then I need to rest more.

    Last I am eating good. I won't get into complete diet here it would take too long but I average around 200 grams protein each day sometimes a bit more.

    Anyone need more info just ask. Any advice is appreciated I want to get the most out of my fist and maybe last cycle. At 46 maybe I am expecting too much or it just hasn't kicked in yet?
    Last edited by streeter; 05-09-2011 at 11:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    35 views with no advice?...FML

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I am not an expert, but know you grow while resting and sleeping...not while lifting. Make sure you take some days off!

    Also, Cyp takes a while to kick in, so some of this delay might be from that.

    Others with more knowledge than me will hopefully chime in.

  4. #4
    You need more rest days... 500mg of Cyp I don't believe will cover your over training especially when you are spending up to 2 hours in the gym. I would think at your level you should have a day off after every 3 at minimum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Humungus View Post
    You need more rest days... 500mg of Cyp I don't believe will cover your over training especially when you are spending up to 2 hours in the gym. I would think at your level you should have a day off after every 3 at minimum.
    Thanks, I took yesterday off and lifted today. I felt much stronger and leg pressed 430 15 reps. I felt great. If I lift tomorrow I will take the next day off. Do you think it would hurt on days off to walk a mile or two or should I just keep it a rest day

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    Thanks, I took yesterday off and lifted today. I felt much stronger and leg pressed 430 15 reps. I felt great. If I lift tomorrow I will take the next day off. Do you think it would hurt on days off to walk a mile or two or should I just keep it a rest day
    On my rest days I always do a light jog or hike one of the mountain trails by my house. I always feel better after, it just gets blood flowing. It's not like walking is a super intense workout. That and I hate just sitting around haha

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bmacmx121 View Post
    On my rest days I always do a light jog or hike one of the mountain trails by my house. I always feel better after, it just gets blood flowing. It's not like walking is a super intense workout. That and I hate just sitting around haha
    i agree^^, streeter... it doesnt seem like you are a powerlifter or bodybuilder, it seems you just want to stay active and healthy, which is perfectly fine, just hit the weights and stay active, if your feeling good your doing right

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Do 1 body part a day.Cyp takes about 5 weeks to kick in.But you do need to rest or you wont gain sh1t.You may lose.Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    imo...after being on test at low trt doses....different compounds are needed for me rather than just upping the test dose...and being in our 40's isnt going to make it any easier....200 grams plus of protein i dont believe is the magic diet either...not diet/aas expert...just opinion

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    No rest, no gains. Id take atleast a week off then start back training 4 days a week at most.

  11. #11
    Would definitely say overtraining. You need some rest days

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    I am gona start doing some good cardio on rest days, nothing intense but maybe some fast walking and then stretching.

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