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Thread: Legs just wont grow anymore!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Legs just wont grow anymore!!!!

    here is my routine.
    Squat 135x15x1 225 x12x1 275 x 5x5
    deadlift 135x15x1 250x10x1 305x5x5
    lunges or leg press light weight high rep range.
    leg extensions 240x 12x3 or failure.
    hamstring curl 240x12x3 failure
    calves press in/out/reg superset 3 set 20 per angle 60 total per set
    finish off with hack squat on tip toes for quads to failure at 180
    problem is even on cycle my legs are just not gaining anymore!! I switch my routine up slightly every week so nothing is the same. the weight just wont add up. Im on cycle rite now all of my lifts are going up including deadlift but my squat is not. any suggestions. tried 5x5 tried cardio before tried after. tried spliting up legs thrpoughout the week and it just isn't going the way I'd hoped.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    have you deloaded lately? maybe they need a break. i dont if its acceptable to do on cycle so ill let someone else chime in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Are after size or strength?

    Man...I think that you should be lifting more then that if you are ready for a cycle....IMO

    Squats and deads in the same workout....I could not do that.

    Just do the squats as your quad workout, but with higher reps. I like this workout-

    warmups 3-5 sets

    First set 5-8 reps, this is my heaviest set, I want failure or very close to failure on the my last rep.

    Second set 8-12 reps, decrease weight by 10-20 %, to failure or close

    Third set 15-20 reps, decreased weight again by 10-20%, to will want to puke and sit down for a while.

    SLDL for hamys.

    Calves- whatever

    If you are getting enough cals and training hard^^ this will work

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    The weight you lift should be going up progressively. If it isn't, maybe Deload. Hamstring strength and proper form will help you squat correctly and start pushing more weight (grow)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I deloaded about 3 months ago. I know.. I know. I used to never work my legs.. until about 2 years ago. I started working them when i did my first cycle two years ago. they blew up and gain strength and size quickly but recently have stopped gaining... Diet is in check slow bulk. I lift as hard as every other body portion. the weight just doesn't seem to increase. terraj I'm wanting to add a little size circumference. I have good looking legs they're lean and cut nicely. I just want to add some more to them seem a little outta proportion.

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