Thanks again to everyone who helped me with adding and tweaking various exercises for different muscle groups. Putting it all together I have my routine below. Anyone have any recommendations to the days or number of sets for each exercise ? (I'm still trying to practice good form and technique for the exercises I am doing so I want to avoid introducing new ones). Anyways, here it is:
(Keep in mind rep range is between 6-8, ~45 seconds of brake time between sets ~2 mins in between exercises, and 2 warmup sets, one of which is an empty bar / lowest Dumbbell weight)
Monday: Chest & Calves
5 Sets Dumbbell Bench Press (Flat)
4 Sets Incline Bench Press
4 Sets Dumbbell Fly's
3 Sets Pec Dec
4 Sets Donkey Calf Raises
4 Sets Lying Calf Raises
Tuesday – Back + Abs + Obliques
5 Sets Deadlifts (*Only 5 reps here per set*)
4 Sets Pull-Ups
4 Sets Seated Row
4 Sets Widegrip Lat Pull Down
3 Sets T-bar rows
3 Sets oblique crunches
3 Sets Incline Crunches (Angle is different from Friday)
3 Sets Hanging Leg Raises
Wednesday – Biceps + Triceps
5 sets barbell curls
5 sets hammer curls
4 sets seated dumbbell extensions
4 sets close grip bench press
4 Sets Skullcrusher (**Superset with CG Bench)
THURSDAY – Quads + Hams + Calfs
5 Sets Squats
5 Sets Leg Press
5 Sets Leg Extension
5 Sets Lying Hamstring Curls
4 Sets Standing Calf Raises (12 Reps)
Friday – Shoulders + Abs + Obliques
4 Sets dumbbell shoulder press
3 Sets Lateral Delt Raises
3 Sets Rear Delt Raises
3 sets Knee Ups
3 Sets Incline Crunches (Different angle from Tuesday)
2 sets oblique crunches
Saturday : Rest
Sunday : Rest
Thoughts ? I want to make sure the days which I work each muscle group is accurate. I have Chest & Shoulders spread out which is key I was told but is everything in between alright?