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Thread: My workout......critique it, tear it up...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!

    My workout......critique it, tear it up...

    Been looking round for a workout routine that i can stick to and be happy with, knowing that its the best way forward. I am looking to gain some good mass etc.

    Thinking that the general feeling is 6-10 rep range for mass. This is my workout

    Monday - Chest + Triceps
    Flat Bench press Sets 3 Rep Range 6-8
    Incline DB Press Sets 3 Reps 6-8
    Flat DB Flys Sets 3 Reps 6-10
    Lying chest extension Sets 2 Reps 10

    Lying Skull crushers Sets 3 Reps 6-8
    Close Grip Bench Press Sets 2 Reps 6-8
    Cable straight bar push down Sets 3 Reps 6-8

    Wednesday - Shoulders
    Seated Bar Press Sets 3 Reps 6-8
    Side Laterals Sets 2 Reps 6-8
    Upright Rows Sets 3 Reps 6-8
    Shrugs Sets 4 Reps 6-8

    Friday - Back + Bi's
    Chins Sets 2 Reps As many as possible
    Deadlift Sets 3 Reps 4-10
    Lat pull down to chest Sets 2 Reps 6-8
    Lat pull down behind neck Sets 2 Reps 6-8
    Close Grip cable row Sets 3 Reps 6-8

    Standing Barbell curls, strict form Sets 3 Reps 6-10
    Standing EZ Bar, close grip Sets 3 Reps 6-10
    Incline DB Curls Sets 2 Reps 6-8

    Sunday - Legs
    Squats Sets 3 Reps 6-8
    Leg Press Sets 2 Reps 10-12
    Leg Curls Sets 2 Reps 10-12

    Take a look at set ranges, rep ranges etc and make suggestions please keeping in mind what i want to do here, adding mass to muscle. Cheers in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Orlando, Fl
    Here is my opinion on workout, if you are to hit 10 for instance, just make sure it is what i call a "hard 10"; basically if you putting a ton of effort in completing these sets then you are going to grow, but if your hitting pre arranged numbers and you are not breathing heavy afterwards, then you going too light and may need to up the weight.

    Looks pretty good as far as a plan, after a few months you can try something different just to shock the body again, that is always a good thing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    I'd ditch the leg curls and use stiff legged dead lifts to hit the hams

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