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Thread: arms are lagging behind :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Angry arms are lagging behind :(

    hey guys just wondering any ideas what i can do to get bigger arms im stuck at the moment doing heavey weights less reps , also doing drop sets,

    tricep dips + and extra 20 kg straped to me close grip bench

    bicep curls 45/50 kg for 8 reps then a drop set
    bicep curls with dumbells then a drop set

    any ideas what i can do ? there are after a back work out (back and bi)
    and a chest workout (chest and tri)

    any info would be great!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Give arms their own day, this way you are hitting them directly when they are fresh and indirectly again on your chest and back days, the arms are small muscles and recover quickly.
    Do deadlifts, they will add mass to your whole body.

    Your choice of exercises is good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Last edited by terraj; 05-26-2011 at 08:19 PM. Reason: dbl post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    keep the back n bi chest n tri, and give arms their own day also
    that way frequency of arm training is twice a week

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thanks for the info guys !! My workout-includes training with a pt once a week,

    Monday-chest and tri
    Wednesday-back and bicep
    Saturday- rest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Give arms their own day, this way you are hitting them directly when they are fresh and indirectly again on your chest and back days, the arms are small muscles and recover quickly.
    Do deadlifts, they will add mass to your whole body.

    Your choice of exercises is good.
    Totally agree....I had to do this one year off season...and made a big difference!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hikneeken View Post
    keep the back n bi chest n tri, and give arms their own day also
    that way frequency of arm training is twice a week
    i would disagree with this, hiting arms with chest and bakc and again on their own day is a bit much. they get enough secondary work on those days without doing more work. and doing bi's and back, chest and tri's is a terrible combination. after my back workouts i could curl sh1t. my biceps are shot from doing heavy rows and pulldowns. and dont go to heavy on arms. i find they dont respond to anything less then 8 reps. has always been my easiest body part though so see how they feel for you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    I agree with those saying you should give bi's and tri's their own day when they are fresh and not sore from other workouts that utilize those muscles heavily. Keep it to a max of 9 sets per muscle (making sure you give every set your all), and work your way up from a first-set warm-up of, say, 20 reps to 10, 8, 6, 6. Having a good blend of medium and low rep sets gives you a good balance of strength and size training in every workout, but make sure your form is spot-on when lifting heavier weight. Personally, I like to do high volume, heavy weight workouts for two months, then ease off for a month, reduce the volume a bit, and increase the reps-per-set to between 8-12. I also agree with the poster who said your choice of exercises is good, but I also switch up some of my exercises during the lower volume month so that I'm doing some sculpting/cable/machine work one month out of three. I don't know if this approach will work for you, but I've introduced it to many people over the years, and all of them have been very happy with the results.
    I also like drop sets for really shocking the muscle, but I only use it to finish off on exercise on the final set. So I'll start with a weight that I can do six reps with, then quickly strip five or ten pounds and immediately go at it again until failure, then drop it another ten pounds and repeat until I'm down to very low weight. This really shreds the muscle, but know your limits and don't exceed them.
    Last edited by TOkidd; 05-28-2011 at 08:23 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    I agree with those saying you should give bi's and tri's their own day when they are fresh and not sore from other workouts that utilize those muscles heavily. Keep it to a max of 9 sets per muscle (making sure you give every set your all), and work your way up from a first-set warm-up of, say, 20 sets to 10, 8, 6, 6. Having a good blend of medium and low rep sets gives you a good balance of strength and size training in every workout, but make sure your form is spot-on when lifting heavier weight. Personally, I like to do high volume, heavy weight workouts for two months, then ease off for a month, reduce the volume a bit, and increase the reps-per-set to between 8-12. I also agree with the poster who said your choice of exercises is good, but I also switch up some of my exercises during the lower volume month so that I'm doing some sculpting/cable/machine work one month out of three. I don't know if this approach will work for you, but I've introduced it to many people over the years, and all of them have been very happy with the results.
    I also like drop sets for really shocking the muscle, but will only use it to finish off on exercise on final set. So I'll start with a weight that I can do six reps with, then quickly strip five or ten pounds and immediately go at it again until failure, then drop it another ten pounds and repeat until I'm down to very low weight. This really shreds the muscle, but know your limits and don't exceed them.
    Drop sets are awesome and work the short muscle fibres which respond to quicker movements.

  10. #10
    defiantley give arms their own day....with tris try and go as heavy as possible, with bis focus on really putting the muscle under strain for as long as possble per want a heavy weight where you can get 7-10 reps but focus on 4 seconds up 4 seconds obviously have to reduce whatever weight your using to do this...once i lost my ego and did this my physique especially my arms have taken off.

    Dont be tempeted to hammer out tons of sets ands reps, this is counter productive to adding mass...also full range of motion, its not the weight you lift its the way you lift it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I always hit my arms on one day as well,my current bicep workout is

    SBC-4 sets of 8
    Incline db curls-3 sets of 8
    Crossbody hammer curls-3 sets of 8
    ez bar burnout 1 set of 15

    Skullbusters or close grip bench-4 sets of 6-8
    Decline french db presses-3 sets of 8
    tricep pressdowns(heavy)3 sets of 10
    decline isolated db hammer presses -2 sets of 15-burnout

    my arms have responded to this type workout really well

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    THanks For all the info guys this is great !! Ill alternate it all this info and keep you guys posted thanks for all the replys again

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by joe_19 View Post
    THanks For all the info guys this is great !! Ill alternate it all this info and keep you guys posted thanks for all the replys again
    good luck man

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