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Thread: need new ab routine for new mom

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Nor Cal

    need new ab routine for new mom

    Ok so I am taking slim's advice and posting here in the general forum to get more advice. So...

    I had my daughter 10 months ago and I am still having problems targeting my mid section. I have been seeing results but they are truly slow going.

    Right now I do (5 days):
    weighted side bends 4 x 25 each side
    leg lifts 4 x 25
    crunchies 4 x 25

    any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    So you are doing 300 a day x 5 days. I guess the big question is how do you feel afterwards? Abs can be worked 7 days a week. Do you have access to a gym or are you doing these at home? I would increase the reps to get 800 contractions 6 days a week for much faster results. And of course diet is key.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Nor Cal
    um....well i feel swollen a lot from all the constant working on my abs. Any suggestions for that? The little extra that I in my lower abs is starting to trim down but is VERY slow going and like I said I feel swollen a lot. Oh and I work out at the gym (its not fancy and you have to wait your turn often). I have also added spin to my schedule for more cardio.

    I am gonna try to up the reps today see how that feels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    Have you looked into your diet? Abs are there. Especially if youre working them that much. THey just need to be uncovered. Diet, and obviously the recent pregnancy will give you "the little extra in your lower abs"...Try taking a shot in the diet forum if you haven't already. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    an overall workout program would be better, lots of full body movements, spot reducing is a myth , and unfortunately people are making millions off of it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    i agree with polishing up your diet. no need to do that much just for your abs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Nor Cal
    I have picked up spin in the last week and a half (until I pulled my butt!) and then cut down the weights n added more cardio. hoping that was a good start. I m thinkin about posting my full workout on here and get some critiquing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jenneva View Post
    I have picked up spin in the last week and a half (until I pulled my butt!) and then cut down the weights n added more cardio. hoping that was a good start. I m thinkin about posting my full workout on here and get some critiquing.
    that along with pics usually helps. If its a fat problem then cardio and a good workout program is key, if you have no ab definition because of no muscle and there is only a little "pudge" (as women like to call it) at the lower abs then maybe some mass building in the core is a good idea. To distinguish between the two without guessing requires pics but 90% of the time its fat loss that needs to occur. Also not sure about hormones post pregnancy but figure there could be some bloating along those lines...

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