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  1. #1
    CMB's Avatar
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    Simple Cardio question (help please)

    What's up guys?

    Alright so it has been a while since I've done cardio, so I'm looking for a way to shed some body fat without losing weight. I'm trying to become lean this summer and still keep my size. Now I have already started dieting correctly and eating an excess of 200 calories extra a day to compensate for the lost calories being burnt off. Any thoughts fellas?

    Training since 14
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  2. #2
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Heres some pictures to give you an idea of my body fat %.

    Its between 11-9% imo.

  3. #3
    -KJ-'s Avatar
    -KJ- is offline Productive Member
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    Diet Section
    IMO your in the 10-12% range. If your asking what type of cardio to do its Low Intensity cardio. Keep it in the 65% range and Maybe 30-45 mins post workout.

  4. #4
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    I'd say you're probably at 12%. And some advice...if you cut 5lbs of fat, will you like the way you look? You aren't very big, and some people in your shoes cut down on their body fat only to look, well, really skinny. I personally have been told I look good at single digit BF, but feel very small. I like myself best between 10-12%. My advice would be to keep doing what you're doing, build some mass, and maintain your current bf.

    However, if your goal is just to cut BF, yes, PWO cardio or AM Cardio (my preference) would be ideal. you want to be carb depleted. As KJ said, low intensity.

  5. #5
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    I'd say you're probably at 12%. And some advice...if you cut 5lbs of fat, will you like the way you look? You aren't very big, and some people in your shoes cut down on their body fat only to look, well, really skinny. I personally have been told I look good at single digit BF, but feel very small. I like myself best between 10-12%. My advice would be to keep doing what you're doing, build some mass, and maintain your current bf.

    However, if your goal is just to cut BF, yes, PWO cardio or AM Cardio (my preference) would be ideal. you want to be carb depleted. As KJ said, low intensity.
    You've got to remember I'm a short guy and often get called stocky and such so people don't look at me like I'm skinny. And I'm not trying to get any bigger at this point, I've already put on 30 pounds of muscle in just a little over a year and now I'm just trying to get that ripped to pop out a little more. Not everyone on this board aspires to be 200 pounds at 8% bodyfat lol.

    Thanks for the advice I'll look into what you've suggested.

  6. #6
    Evil.Davies is offline New Member
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    if you're replacing the calories you lose through cardio with extra calories from food and your not looking to bulk wouldnt your BFP stay around the same? if you want to lose fat you need to be burning less calories than you're eating? thats just my opinion with limited knowledge on the subject, its not advice, but maybe something to think about and read up on. good luck with your training!

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