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Thread: My Latest Routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    My Latest Routine

    I try and switch this up every few months but this has been my routine since I began using gear 8 weeks ago... Does anyone see anything I am doing too much of or not enough?

    With all of these exercises I begin light and add weight on each set to my maximum ability... Each week I add weight even if it's only 5lbs....

    Day 1 Biceps and Chest
    superset barbell curl and reverse grip preacher curl 3 X 10
    superset hammer curl dumbells and regular grip preacher curl 3 X10
    superset hammer curl cable and curl cable 3 X 10
    superset Bench Press and Chest Press 3 X 8 -10 to fail
    Incline Bench Press 3 X 8-10 to fail
    Decline Bench Press 3 X 8-10 to fail
    Machine Flys 3 X 10
    Crossover Cable 3 X 10
    Crunch 2 X 60

    Day 2 Triceps and Shoulders
    Supersets French Press and Dumbell Extension 3 X 10
    Supersets Overhead Extension and Cable Pushdown 3 X 10-14 to fail
    Dip Machine 3 X 10 -12 to fail

    Upright Row Barbell 3 X 10
    Shoulder Press Machine 3 X 10
    Shrug 3 X 10
    Lateral Raise 3 X 10
    Military Press dumbell 3 X 10
    Military Press machine 3 X 8-10 to fail
    Crunch 2 X 60

    Day 3 Back
    Superset Seated Close Row and Seated Wide Row 3 X 10
    Superset Wide grip pulldown and close grip pulldown 3 X 10
    Superset High Row Machine and low Row Machine 3 X 10
    Rear Delt Row Machine 3 X 10
    Oblique Extension 3 X 15
    Crunch 2 X 60

    Day 4 Legs
    Superset Leg Extension and Leg Curl 3 X 15-20 to fail
    Glute Kickback 3 X 12
    Superset Leg Press and Decline Calf Raise 3 X 15-20 to fail
    Seated Calf Raise 3 X 20-30 to fail
    Squats 3 X 10-12 to fail
    Crunch 2 X 60

    Day 5 Rest... after 2 weeks I take day 6 as rest too
    Last edited by mongrol; 06-23-2011 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    dude.. way to many supersets
    you leg workout sucks, do squats first
    your training way to much upper body to legs, dont be afraid of the pain
    biceps before chest... really?
    your training your triceps and shoulders two days in a row

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thanks... I do need to redo this after reading yesterday... how does this look

    Day 1 Chest then Shoulders
    Day 2 Legs (agree my leg workout is weak, i did do my squats first yesterday)
    Day 3 Back
    Day 4 Biceps and Triceps
    Day 5 rest
    Day 6 Rest every other week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    So you are 8 weeks into a cycle and have no idea how to train, and you started this routine as you began the cycle. Fvck me....

    You should not be doing anything but reading and learning.

    Waste of time, money and gear

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    dude.. way to many supersets
    you leg workout sucks, do squats first
    your training way to much upper body to legs, dont be afraid of the pain
    biceps before chest... really?
    your training your triceps and shoulders two days in a row
    I agree. A dedicated week for supersets to change things up is a good idea; but not adding to a regular routine. Your muscles are totally burned out to anything after.

    Heavy weights hits one type of muscle fiber which needs to be seperated from the smaller fibres with which supersets achieve.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm doing a full body routine, daily.
    Overhead Press
    Barbell Curl
    Bench Press
    Bent Row
    Calf Raise

    Though, each day I change the order, like if the above was Monday, on Tuesday, I'd start with barbell curl, and then go to overhead press, leeping with the push/pull alternates.
    I'm shooting for 20reps, and when attained, I add weight and work up to 20 again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What r your goals? Just trying to get a better understanding of your "total" body workout daily.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Muscle size, strength, shape, leanness, standard bodybuilding goals. To look and feel good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Not even considering your workouts the split you are using is terrible.

    IMO triceps and shoulders the day after chest is a bad choice

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tom502 View Post
    I'm doing a full body routine, daily.
    Overhead Press
    Barbell Curl
    Bench Press
    Bent Row
    Calf Raise

    Though, each day I change the order, like if the above was Monday, on Tuesday, I'd start with barbell curl, and then go to overhead press, leeping with the push/pull alternates.
    I'm shooting for 20reps, and when attained, I add weight and work up to 20 again.
    So you are doing the same lifts everyday?

    When do you think your muscles will rest?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I know this method is unorthodox today, but I got the idea because I did a similar routine years ago, and made some great gains. Then recently I did a search to see if anyone else tried this, and found that this was the way a lot of older "vintage" bodybuilders trained, like Ralph Kroger, Eddie Guiliani, and Grimek mentions it, so I decided to give it another go.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj;56***28
    So you are 8 weeks into a cycle and have no idea how to train, and you started this routine as you began the cycle. Fvck me....

    You should not be doing anything but reading and learning.

    Waste of time, money and gear
    Exactly why I am here... Did a lot of reading and found out I need a better plan. I'm looking for advice so this run is not a total waste of time and money.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mongrol;56***19
    thanks... I do need to redo this after reading yesterday... how does this look

    Day 1 Chest then Shoulders
    Day 2 Legs (agree my leg workout is weak, i did do my squats first yesterday)
    Day 3 Back
    Day 4 Biceps and Triceps
    Day 5 rest
    Day 6 Rest every other week
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Not even considering your workouts the split you are using is terrible.

    IMO triceps and shoulders the day after chest is a bad choice
    what do you think of this plan and cutting out some of the supersets?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ^^ that split is definately better than your first, but your routine needs to be better too
    im a powerlifter so im a bit biased, but to the guy doing full body everyday... dude one of the first you read(like noles mentioned) is that you get stronger/bigger by recovering outta the gym, not be destroying your muscles everyday, and the order in which you did is terrible, and you think just switching the order of exercises is going to do something magic, its not, and wtf are squats doing after curls!!! ahhh lol at least do ful body eod or mon/wed/fri

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hopefully this looks better to everyone... I really appreciate the advice I'm getting on this site. The local meat heads I know have thus far been completely wrong about everything!!! I was advised to go to the gym and kill each muscle once a week while on a cycle...

    I'll start with my day 1 and go from there.....

    Day 1 Chest & Shoulders
    Bench Press - 1 warm-up rep light weight 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly
    Incline Bench Press - 1 warm-up rep light weight 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly
    Decline Bench Press - 1 warm-up rep light weight 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly
    Cable Crossover - 1 warm-up rep light weight 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly

    Upright Row - 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each rep
    Shoulder Press - 1 warm-up rep light weight 3 X 8-10 progressive weight each rep
    Military Press - 3 X 8-10 max weight
    Lateral Raise - 1 Rep light weight for warm-up 3 X 10 max weight
    Seated Shrug - 1 Rep light weight for warm-up 3 X 10 max weight

    2 X 60 crunches

    Since chest days work triceps too should I do bench and tris same say or stick with doing biceps-tris on day 4?
    Last edited by mongrol; 06-24-2011 at 12:35 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Chest and shoulders should be split up

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Chest and shoulders should be split up
    i agree i know some people that do chest, tri, shoulders in one day and thats to much for me. i dont even like chest and tri together i can barely do anything after

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011
    so was I on the right track already by doing chest and biceps?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2011
    What do you think about this split?
    Day 1 Chest and Biceps
    Day 2 Legs
    Day 3 back
    Day 4 Triceps and shoulders
    Day 5 off
    Day 6 off every second week

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    im confused when you say " progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly"-- specify what you mean

    if i had to do bodypart training, id use a split like this

    mon-legs (get the hardest outta the way first)
    wed-off/active rest
    fri-off/active rest

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    im confused when you say " progressive weight each set adding to start weight weekly"-- specify what you mean

    if i had to do bodypart training, id use a split like this

    mon-legs (get the hardest outta the way first)
    wed-off/active rest
    fri-off/active rest
    I add weight each set until my last when I end up at max weight on the last rep.... I also add at least 5 lbs a week to my max

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    since you say your doing 3 sets, i assume you're adding like 5 or 10 pounds per set after youve warmed up?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm making a slight change with my workout.
    I'm taking today(Sat) and tomorrow off.
    Then I'm back to my full body in a day routine, but this time, I'll do it Mon-Tue, and Thu-Fri.
    I'll see how that feels next week, and change things if need be.
    I was reading Joe Bonomo saying to workout the same exercises 6 days in a row, with one day off.
    I do feel pretty beat.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2011
    yes... I'll use my first bench press as an example: I warm up with high reps and low weight then add 50lbs ,then add 20lbs each set... It's a lot like pyramiding and I'm usually wiped out when I finish

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mongrol View Post
    yes... I'll use my first bench press as an example: I warm up with high reps and low weight then add 50lbs ,then add 20lbs each set... It's a lot like pyramiding and I'm usually wiped out when I finish
    ehh be careful with pyramiding, by the time you get to your money setes your already pre fatigued and not getting what you could be outta your money sets

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Poopooing on your parade
    What are your stats? Age/weight/height/BF/years training

    What are your goals in doing the cycle?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Stats.... 39/250/ 2yrs/ 6'7"/ 20% (I've never had BF calculated but I think it's mostly belly fat having a tough time losing my belly)

    My goals are to put on lean muscle mass...

    I eat a very clean diet of egg whites, chicken, fish, fresh veggies, brown rice, lots of water. I have a hard time eating 6 meals a day. After I eat breakfast I'm not hungry again until 3-4PM but I force myself to eat lunch between 12-1Pm. After 4PM no matter what I eat I never seem to get full!

    I wake up and take 1-2 scoops protein, 2 scoops at 10:30am, 2 scoops 1pm, 2 scoops 3:30PM, 5gms creatine, gym 4-4:30PM, 2 scoops with 5gms Glutamine after workout...
    Last edited by mongrol; 06-27-2011 at 07:41 AM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I do cardio on leg days before my workouts and I ride motocross every weekend (It's the most brutal form of cardio I can imagine and it's fun).... The EQ and my redblood cell amount has given me amazing energy on the track. I don't get nearly as fatigued anymore and usually have to stop doing laps because I feel blisters coming up on my hands.

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