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Thread: OPEN SEASON ON ROUTINE -Critique all you want!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    OPEN SEASON ON ROUTINE -Critique all you want!


    Bench Press: 3x8 if new weight then 3x9 then 3x10 sometimes 3x11 then new weight

    Military Press: same protocol as above

    Skullcrusher: " "

    Dumbell Flyes: " "


    Bent Over Row

    Upright Row

    Cable Pulldown

    Bicep Curl

    Seated Cable Pull




    All exercises follow the same protocol as i listed for bench

    Lemme know what's good, what's bad, tear it up!
    Last edited by MastaMan; 06-27-2011 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Well first of all you have totally missed calves and traps from your routine, I would suggest for traps and calves higher reps like 15 reps.

    What are your goals?

    I would suggest adding pullups for lats , becuase it is compound movement.

    Also you could switch up between normal bench press and incline bench press weekly. 1 week you would do normal bench and second week you would do incline bench press.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Oh i'm sorry i forgot pulldowns

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    and upright row, my bad

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    And do you think i will get injured if i don't do something for my calves? i've always avoided calf exercises

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Well your creating imbalance and thats why you should train your calves.

    All those muscles play big part in your daily life, so it would be stupid not to train them. Also calves are supportive muscles for example in squat.

    I personally feel my lats better when I do pullups, but it is your own choise.

    Also you could add stiff legged deadlift, it is a mass movement for hamstrings.
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 06-27-2011 at 05:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yeah i probably should start doing something about my calves... thanks for the input!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    include your stats (age, height, weight), lifting experience, and goals if you want to get more valuable feedback.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    dont take it the wrong way, but your routine looks good on paper but it wont be as good in the gym, ive done that protocol and i thought i had it all figured out, but what happens when you do 3x8 but you can get 10 reps? you do 3x12 but only get 8? i dont like setting myself up for specific numbers especially on the big strength moves, its om to do that on accessory though

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by goodlifting View Post
    include your stats (age, height, weight), lifting experience, and goals if you want to get more valuable feedback.
    200 lbs
    been lifting off and on for 2 years, track and wrestling have interrupted progress somewhat. i would like to be able to bench 300, and deadlift 400 or 500 lbs. Last time i maxed out, i benched 205 at the end of my workout, and deadlifted 300 at the end once again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    dont take it the wrong way, but your routine looks good on paper but it wont be as good in the gym, ive done that protocol and i thought i had it all figured out, but what happens when you do 3x8 but you can get 10 reps? you do 3x12 but only get 8? i dont like setting myself up for specific numbers especially on the big strength moves, its om to do that on accessory though
    Actually, if i can do more, i always do. I have guidelines for my sets, and they are not strict i change them as needed. What would you recommend instead?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    dont take it the wrong way, but your routine looks good on paper but it wont be as good in the gym, ive done that protocol and i thought i had it all figured out, but what happens when you do 3x8 but you can get 10 reps? you do 3x12 but only get 8? i dont like setting myself up for specific numbers especially on the big strength moves, its om to do that on accessory though
    in fact, usually it goes 3x8 (new weight). Then i usually can jump up to 3x10 next week, then the week after that i add ten pounds and go back to 3x8. I don't expect this rapid progress to continue, especially when i start running again, but for now it seems to be working.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sounds like your goals are mainly strength (increase in core lifts)?

    I personally don't like to pair chest and shoulders together (shoulders get worked quite a bit when working chest) and when I break them apart, I make sure there is a few days in between.

    If you are training solely for strength, I wouldn't go over 6 reps on your core lifts (bench, deads, squats). On your auxiliary lifts, you can hit the 8-12 rep range (flyes, curls, etc.).

    If you want to stick to a 3 day routine, maybe try this:

    Day 1 - Legs
    Leg Press - optional(If you have access to it. If not, barbell or machine hack squats)
    Leg Extensions
    Hamstring Curls

    Standing Calf Raises
    Seated Calf Raises (If you have access to it)

    Day 2 - Chest / Arms
    Bench Press
    Dumbell Flyes
    Pec Dec or Cable Crossover (optional)

    Barbell Curls
    Standing Tricep Ext

    Day 3 - Back / Shoulders
    Bent-Over Barbell Rows
    Pull-ups (As wide as you can go with a full range of motion and good stretch. Make sure you are "pulling" with your back, not shoulder or arms)
    Seated Cable Rows - optional
    Standing Military Press
    Upright Rows
    Deadlifts - I like to finish the workout with deadlifts, so my back is fresh for rows and pull-ups. However, if you are focusing on increasing your core lifts, do deadlifts first when you are fresh.

    For squats, bench press and deadlifts, 5 sets @ 3-5 reps. For other exercises, do 2-3 sets @ 8 to 10 reps. Allow atleast one day of rest between workouts. If you are going all out of squats and deads, you'll want as many days in between them as you can and you probably won't want to do them in the same workout. If you hit your rep range in your core lifts, then increase your weight the next workout.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well if you judge how far you can go on the given day thats good then

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Sounds like your goals are mainly strength (increase in core lifts)?

    I personally don't like to pair chest and shoulders together (shoulders get worked quite a bit when working chest) and when I break them apart, I make sure there is a few days in between.

    If you are training solely for strength, I wouldn't go over 6 reps on your core lifts (bench, deads, squats). On your auxiliary lifts, you can hit the 8-12 rep range (flyes, curls, etc.).

    If you want to stick to a 3 day routine, maybe try this:

    Day 1 - Legs
    Leg Press - optional(If you have access to it. If not, barbell or machine hack squats)
    Leg Extensions
    Hamstring Curls

    Standing Calf Raises
    Seated Calf Raises (If you have access to it)

    Day 2 - Chest / Arms
    Bench Press
    Dumbell Flyes
    Pec Dec or Cable Crossover (optional)

    Barbell Curls
    Standing Tricep Ext

    Day 3 - Back / Shoulders
    Bent-Over Barbell Rows
    Pull-ups (As wide as you can go with a full range of motion and good stretch. Make sure you are "pulling" with your back, not shoulder or arms)
    Seated Cable Rows - optional
    Standing Military Press
    Upright Rows
    Deadlifts - I like to finish the workout with deadlifts, so my back is fresh for rows and pull-ups. However, if you are focusing on increasing your core lifts, do deadlifts first when you are fresh.

    For squats, bench press and deadlifts, 5 sets @ 3-5 reps. For other exercises, do 2-3 sets @ 8 to 10 reps. Allow atleast one day of rest between workouts. If you are going all out of squats and deads, you'll want as many days in between them as you can and you probably won't want to do them in the same workout. If you hit your rep range in your core lifts, then increase your weight the next workout.
    Strength is probably the biggest focus of most of my work, you were right. I used to go with a 5x5 set routine, but since i've been lifting at home with no spotter, i've gone for a more 8+ focused rep range. But i would have no problem working more than 3 days a week, except i am not creative enough to find new bodyparts to work more than three days

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I was thinking today halfway through my workout, would it be beneficial to break my workout into two separate sessions? I've got the time, and i start to stall halfway through most of my workouts.

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