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Thread: I hate my biceps!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    I hate my biceps!

    I'm 37, 5'7", 194 and guessing around 14-15% BF even though the calipers I bought tell me I'm 22%. I've got pretty decent sized arms for my frame. I've never measured them, but they're around 17". I've got some ok definition in my tri's and I'm starting to get a little delt/arm separation.

    The problem is, I hate my biceps. They're just... There. I can NOT get any definition in them. When I was younger I had a nice little "egg" on my arm, but now that I've been lifting seriously for years, all of my definition has gone away.

    I hit Bi's with back once a week and usually goes like this... 10-12 intense sets for back and then 6-8 "intense" sets of some combination of seated incline dumbbell curls, concentration curls, preachers, and straight barbell. I emphasize "intense" because the weight that I have to use to keep proper form is borderline embarrassing. Lol. But, I work them hard enough that I have trouble scratching my nose for an hour after I'm done.

    I'm at my wits end and willing to try anything. Help a brother out. Im including some pics for reference and the abs shot is just for BF reference.

    Let me know if you think it's just a cardio/BF thing or if I need to try a different routine or what.


    This is fully flexed after my back/bi workout. Sad, I know.

    Abs/BF shot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You have a high bf %. You need to bring it down to see definition

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Twist- definition....he needs to have a bi to define first.


    Damn....Look into implants.

    Genetics man...

    For building bi strength. Cut back the work load on Bis and add heavy, heavy underhand grip rows to you back day, stretch between sets. This type of row overloads the bis and forearms and fills in the lower Bi. It gave me great strength in my arms.

  4. #4
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    deep left field
    I also have had trouble gaing size with biceps. Similarly I too had better bi's when I was younger. Oddly enough, I too work bi's on the same day I work back. My logic is that I have already pre exhausted my bi's doing pull ups, bent over rows, seated rows, and T-bar or close grip pull downs. So it should not be difficult to tax them enough to grow with minimum curls. HOWEVER, I am starting to re consider that logic. I have to wonder if my bi's are so tweaked from all that back work that I can not fully hammer them with curls. For example, I can put 45's on a long bar and do sets of six reps if I am fresh. I can put 45's on an EZ curl bar and do 12 reps for six sets. Thats the type of stress I think I may need to force growth. I am seriously reconsidering my stadegy. Maybe strictly arms one day a week. Hit em hard. The same with tri's. I do chest and tri's same day. Time to switch it up.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2011
    Implants? Lol. No thanks. If I got implants anywhere it's be in my weak ass pecs. I'm gonna go with the high BF% theory and work on it from that angle.

    I'm also considering switching up my routine to either Chest/Bi's, Back/Tri's or just an all out arm assault day. I had been under the impression that the pre-exhaustion thing was beneficial, but you're right, dude. After my back workout, I just don't feel like I can get the "squeeze" at the top like I want/need. An maybe I just need to be slinging more iron up and down than the paultry shit that I have to use after back.

    I would like to say that while my Bi's are lame, that shitty cell phone pic makes it look worse than it really is. Lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    I also have had trouble gaing size with biceps. Similarly I too had better bi's when I was younger. Oddly enough, I too work bi's on the same day I work back. My logic is that I have already pre exhausted my bi's doing pull ups, bent over rows, seated rows, and T-bar or close grip pull downs. So it should not be difficult to tax them enough to grow with minimum curls. HOWEVER, I am starting to re consider that logic. I have to wonder if my bi's are so tweaked from all that back work that I can not fully hammer them with curls. For example, I can put 45's on a long bar and do sets of six reps if I am fresh. I can put 45's on an EZ curl bar and do 12 reps for six sets. Thats the type of stress I think I may need to force growth. I am seriously reconsidering my stadegy. Maybe strictly arms one day a week. Hit em hard. The same with tri's. I do chest and tri's same day. Time to switch it up.
    I would gives arms their own day if I were you.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2010
    What tempo do you use? Pinching/flexing biceps at peak of movement?

  8. #8
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    What tempo do you use? Pinching/flexing biceps at peak of movement?
    I use a slow and controlled tempo and try to keep my elbows quiet. I'll "cheat" to squeeze the last couple reps out. Like I said above, after my back workout, my Bi's are so fatigued that I can't really get that good "pinch/flex" at the top. Almost like I lose a little range of motion at the peak. It sucks. I hate it.

    Maybe they just need more work, because I haven't been able to get my Bi's sore in months. Or maybe they need more isolation. My Bi's are literally the weakest part of my whole body. I see pencil necks in there with 45's on the Olympic bar for reps. Meanwhile, I'm over on the preacher bench with friggin dinner mints on either end grunting like a maniac. Lol.

  9. #9
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    My last routine, I added a 5th day for weak point training. I did arms (including forearms), abs and calves. I noticed a difference in giving them their own day (plus they were getting hit indirectly during other workouts as well).

    I agree in dropping your bodyfat and you will see a much more improved arm.

    If your biceps aren't getting sore, change it up. From your previous post, it looks as though you are doing a lot of exercises for biceps in one workout. Since you say you are weak on curls, I would focus atleast one day on heavy barbell curls and really focus on form. Then later in the week, if they feel rested, hit them again, but forcus more on dumbbell exercises and really contracting the bicep at the top of the movement (again, keeping your elbows locked). Everyday I see a few guys in the gym doing curls and they are lifting their elbows and putting a ton of the stress on their anterior (front) delt.

    I going to post my experiment with calves training here soon. The information there and training can also be used to for biceps.

  10. #10
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    I agree with Twist...bring your body fat down and your bi's will become more defined. I have the same problem and seem to hold a descent amout of fat in my bi's. Also, don't over train them. Hit them hard for 6-9 intensity is there then this will be all they need. Also, make sure your form is in check on every bicep exercise as this will also be a determining factor!

  11. #11
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    Give arms their own day and mix it up. Go heavy one week, then do high reps the next w/ different exercises. 21's work pretty good.

  12. #12
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    if i were you i'd hit em on their own day with tri's and then as well a few more variances on back day....although your bf% isnt low i have you guessed around 16/17% with the pics provided so with a few drops in percent and a refocus and intensity you can get the guns firing

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I would gives arms their own day if I were you.
    x2 that is what I have been doing for a while and I think it's working pretty good. These are not the most recent but still show OK results.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  14. #14
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    Thanks for all the input, fellas. I havent added an "arm day" yet, but I've been hitting them with a little extra work on non back/bi day. I have to say, it feels MUCH better doing Bi's while they're fresh as opposed to hitting when they're already fatigued. Weight is way up and I can really concentrate on that squeeze at the top.

    It'll be tough to completely abandon bi work on back days, but I am going to dedicate more time to them a few days after I work back.

    I really do need to step up the cardio, but my BF is so stubborn right now. I can't seem to shake it while maintaining my caloric needs. And unfortunately, fatigue is freaking killing my extra work. I don't know if it's the Deca or what, but it's all I can do to drag my ass to the gym after work.

    I'll post an updated pic in a couple weeks after more concentrated work on the guns. Thanks for all the input and encouragement.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    x2 that is what I have been doing for a while and I think it's working pretty good. These are not the most recent but still show OK results.
    ever hear u look like ed harris

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    ever hear u look like ed harris
    No and never head or him, Ill have to google him, Dont worry, I'm expecting the worst. LOL

    Ahhh him, no it must be just the receding hairline thing. He's better looking than me or should I say more distinguished.
    Oh, and I hope you mean a younger and not present Ed Harris....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No and never head or him, Ill have to google him, Dont worry, I'm expecting the worst. LOL

    Ahhh him, no it must be just the receding hairline thing. He's better looking than me or should I say more distinguished.
    Oh, and I hope you mean a younger and not present Ed Harris....
    yeh...ehmm....a younger ed harris....havent seen him lately..just googled too..yup

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    genetics man. but twist is right... if you drop you bf you biceps will be more defined and look bigger. Defined lateral delts enhance bicep aperance too

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    i get results incorporating bi's into my back day, means they get a full week of recovery.
    also when selecting weight, rem your exercising a small muscle, so dont let ego take over. look at most roofers arms, none are exactly small, all with swinging a 3lb hammer

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