height- 6'
weight- 82-83kg
bodyfat- 12-14 %
training- sereously for 3 years
okay so going to be starting my first cycle of propionate @100mg eod and anavar @ 50mg ed for an 8 week cycle, possibly 10 and have sorted my diet out and now need to know a few bits about my training. i will be doing a 5 day split:
monday: 4 chest exercises & 3 tricep exercises (3 sets)
tuesday: 4-5 back exercises & 3 bicep exercises (3sets)
wednesday: 4 shoulder exercises & 3 traps exercises (3sets)
thursday: 4-5 leg exercises (3sets)
friday: 3 bicep,3 tricep & 2 forearm exercises (3sets)
each workout lasts no longer than 1 and half hours, also eod i am including abs, the reason for doing arms twice is i feel they are lacking size and need most work. as for cardio im not a big fan of long runs so i have decided to try doing a 10 minute very high intensity run after each workout to loose b,f, my questions are from what you can see would i be overtraining and will doing cardio after each workout lower muscle gains alot ?? my goals is to add good lean muscle size and keep off the fat and water. ideas and opinions please guys