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Thread: Cannot do a single sit-up

  1. #1

    Cannot do a single sit-up

    Hey guys, was training arms today and had probably one of the best workouts ever, when I finished as usual and then when upstairs to relax on the couch for a bit before cleaning up. It was then when I went to get up that I struggled and practically couldn't use my abs to sit-up. The pain was similar to a really intense leg workout where you practically cant walk after. To add to this I don't quite understand why because I didn't really do any exercise that hit them that hard and it seems as though there might be some swelling as I can hardly see and barely feel them which I normally can. What to do I don't know, I tried searching a few things on google with no luck so any help is much appreciated thanks..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    If it doesn't go away soon, I'd see a doctor. Sounds f cked.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Go to the Docs mate thats not right if you were doing arms and your abs started swelling

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