Originally Posted by
Thanks BL, I got the foundation of this from your thread and made a few changes
My strongpoints are chest/tri and my delts/back need the most attention, so I switched up the order and a few excercises.
Plus my chest/tri's were trained last friday and need more time to rest
Please critique
Mon - Back
Wide grip pull-ups Why wide.... your limiting ROM and NOT getting more stretch, think where Lat insertions are are and then think what make that distance further apart (closer grip).
Iso Pull Down (cables) Why two pull down movements? Have you not already take the Lats to and beyond failure in this type of 'Pulling Down' movement...
Barbell Rows
High Cable Rows (wide grip) Good, squeeze traps hard and pause at peak contraction on each rep.
Tues - Delts, Biceps
DB Press
Lying Side Laterals (Dumbell)
Lateral raises (machine) - side
Front Lateral raises (Dumbell)
Barbell Curls
Incline DB Curls Good, both arms at the same time... Otherwise youe simply resting and recovering during your set
Wed - Off
Thurs - Quads, Hams, Calves
Leg extensions
Leg Press
Hack Squats
Lying Leg curls first
Seated Leg Curls
Standing Calf Raise
Seated Calf Raise
Fri - Chest, Triceps
Incline DB Flys
Incline DB Press
Flat DB Press
PulloversDrop this... At least I would. Injury risk is too high IMO, shoulders!
Dips Too much, drop this
Cable Flys (High,Med,Low) 1 set of each
Tricep Push Downs
Skull Crushers