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Thread: Yates / Baseline Variation - Please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Yates / Baseline Variation - Please critique

    Thanks BL, I got the foundation of this from your thread and made a few changes

    My strongpoints are chest/tri and my delts/back need the most attention, so I switched up the order and a few excercises.
    Plus my chest/tri's were trained last friday and need more time to rest

    Please critique

    Mon - Back

    Wide grip pull-ups
    Iso Pull Down (cables)
    Barbell Rows
    High Cable Rows (wide grip)

    Tues - Delts, Biceps

    DB Press
    Lying Side Laterals (Dumbell)
    Lateral raises (machine) - side
    Front Lateral raises (Dumbell)

    Barbell Curls
    Incline DB Curls

    Wed - Off

    Thurs - Quads, Hams, Calves

    Leg extensions
    Leg Press
    Hack Squats

    Seated Leg Curls

    Standing Calf Raise
    Seated Calf Raise

    Fri - Chest, Triceps

    Incline DB Flys
    Incline DB Press
    Flat DB Press
    Cable Flys (High,Med,Low) 1 set of each

    Tricep Push Downs
    Skull Crushers

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Thanks BL, I got the foundation of this from your thread and made a few changes

    My strongpoints are chest/tri and my delts/back need the most attention, so I switched up the order and a few excercises.
    Plus my chest/tri's were trained last friday and need more time to rest

    Please critique

    Mon - Back

    Wide grip pull-ups Why wide.... your limiting ROM and NOT getting more stretch, think where Lat insertions are are and then think what make that distance further apart (closer grip).

    Iso Pull Down (cables) Why two pull down movements? Have you not already take the Lats to and beyond failure in this type of 'Pulling Down' movement...
    Barbell Rows
    High Cable Rows (wide grip) Good, squeeze traps hard and pause at peak contraction on each rep.

    Tues - Delts, Biceps

    DB Press
    Lying Side Laterals (Dumbell)
    Lateral raises (machine) - side
    Front Lateral raises (Dumbell)

    Barbell Curls
    Incline DB Curls Good, both arms at the same time... Otherwise youe simply resting and recovering during your set

    Wed - Off

    Thurs - Quads, Hams, Calves

    Leg extensions
    Leg Press
    Hack Squats

    Lying Leg curls first
    Seated Leg Curls

    Standing Calf Raise
    Seated Calf Raise

    Fri - Chest, Triceps

    Incline DB Flys
    Incline DB Press
    Flat DB Press
    PulloversDrop this... At least I would. Injury risk is too high IMO, shoulders!
    Dips Too much, drop this
    Cable Flys (High,Med,Low) 1 set of each

    Tricep Push Downs
    Skull Crushers
    Are you doing the HIT stuff...

    Warming up and then doing one set to failure in both the concentric and eccentric of the movement?
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  3. #3
    In my experiences and a few of my friends you cant get a good back without deadlifts and tbar rows. They are the bread and butter of a good back routine. My current back day is 6 sets of heavy deads, 6 sets of heavy tbar and 4 sets of bent over barbell rows. my lats have a nice width so im only focusing on thickness (most people neglect the thickness even tho they have wide enough lats. you wouldnt start any other nuscle group with a isolation exercise so why start legs with leg extensions. also your leg day should have some more attention to glutes and hams. maybe try some below parallel squats and lunges instead of your other compound movements for gutes, maybe 2 weeks per exercise and then swtich back to leg presses. and for hams add straight leg deads or lower back extentions. super setting leg curls with straight deads is a great way to really get those hams dmg'd and swelling out.

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