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  1. #1
    falco21's Avatar
    falco21 is offline Associate Member
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    Cardio 2x Day Opinions

    I am currently on a cutting diet, which is all in check and set up perfectly, but my question involves the cardio aspect. I am currently not lifting due to a shoulder operation still healing, but I am doing cardio. I wake up every morning at 6am and do fasted Low Intensity running for 45 minutes. I started yesterday adding in a HIIT Workout in the evening as well. Is it more beneficial to do both, or am I just wasting my time with the second cardio session?

    Also, after my morning session on an empty stomach, I take down a shake afterwards consisting of Whey, Oats, and Egg Whites. Is there something in specific I should consume after the evening cardio? I realize this isn't the diet section for this question, but I'd rather not make 2 threads. Appreciate it!!

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    2x per day can be favourable but you do run the risk of burnout. Do you plan on doing this 7 days a week?

    What is your current bodyfat %?

    Also, on a morning cardio session are you aware of what your heart rate is when doing your LI jogging? Personally, any kind of jogging, no matter how slow will take me above 80%MHR which is out of my fat burning zone. How long is each cardio session?

    Personally I'm a big fan of doing both types of cardio but never on the same day, although i appreciate you're not really lifting at the moment. Are you doing any leg work?

    My post HIIT meal, if in the evening, is a shake of oats and whey with a little skim milk in there. I then make sure I have a normal clean meal about an hour later. Post LI morning cardio I just have my normal breakfast.

  3. #3
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    I like the idea of twice a day cardio, if your schedule allows for it and your careful not to burn yourself out then go for it.

    with regards to food aftger pm cardio, do not consume any carbs, go for protein/fat combo, the usuals are cottage cheese, peanut butter, steak, eggs, casein, personally i like to save enough daily calories for supper so i have that full feeling for sleep time. sometimes i also get up in the middle of the night and eat a similar meal to supper but add to the next days macros.

  4. #4
    falco21's Avatar
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    Not sure on the current body fat percentage, but it is above 15% definitely. When I jog my heart rate is right in my target heart rate zone for weight loss, so that's not an issue. I was just wondering about the over training aspect. It definitely feels good to do 2 cardio sessions a day though. Feels like I accomplished that much more.

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Real HIIT will really take it out of you. 4x pw will probably be enough with som am cardio too.

    Personally, I would always have carbs after a heavy session of either lifting or cardio. I have always used carbs when cutting, not sure why people are so scared of them. I think they are vital after HIIT to aid the recovery process.

  6. #6
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    Quote Originally Posted by falco21 View Post
    Not sure on the current body fat percentage, but it is above 15% definitely. When I jog my heart rate is right in my target heart rate zone for weight loss, so that's not an issue. I was just wondering about the over training aspect. It definitely feels good to do 2 cardio sessions a day though. Feels like I accomplished that much more.
    i had a coach in college that said athletes really shouldn't have to take a day off, especially when doing cardio. look at marathon runners, they do it everyday! don't worry about over training and just listen to your body. i was and plan to start up again, cardio 2x day, and love it. you could always throw in a plyometrics day with your legs, doing lunges, body squats, hops, box jumps, etc.......good luck with the shoulder.

  7. #7
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    Start doing it and listen to your body, if your tired have a rest.

  8. #8
    pebble is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Real HIIT will really take it out of you. 4x pw will probably be enough with som am cardio too.

    Personally, I would always have carbs after a heavy session of either lifting or cardio. I have always used carbs when cutting, not sure why people are so scared of them. I think they are vital after HIIT to aid the recovery process.
    I must agree with all of this.

    HITT done properly 4x a week will be enough on its own with am cardio to provide results (physiological adaptations - primarily enzymatic) very fast.

  9. #9
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
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    just wait for the runny nose and head cold. thats when ur over training. not that it cant happen before, its just when i know ive been doing to much.

    listen to your body

  10. #10
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    no weights and two cardio sessions a day.........what exactly is your goal?

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