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  1. #1
    rednecked is offline New Member
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    Aug 2011

    8 Day Split Need Advice

    Age 21
    Height 5'8"
    Weight 186
    Bodyfat Unknown 10-12 Range

    Goal is to gain as much muscle mass as I can within the next year.

    I have an appointment next week with fitness/nutrition provided by the military, to setup a good bulking diet and also to take measurements and check bodyfat so I can track progress.

    3 routines all 8 day splits

    Routine 1
    1 chest back
    2 arms shoulders
    3 legs abs
    4 recover and cardio
    5 chest back
    6 arms shoulders
    7 legs abs
    8 recover and cardio


    Routine 2
    1 chest tricep
    2 back bicep
    3 legs shoulders abs
    4 recover and cardio
    5 chest tricep
    6 back bicep
    7 legs shoulders abs
    8 recover and cardio


    Routine 3
    1 chest back
    2 arms shoulders
    3 legs abs
    4 recover and cardio
    5 chest tricep
    6 back bicep
    7 legs shoulders abs
    8 recover and cardio

    All 3 routines I would use the same excersises but switching on the 2nd half of the routine;

    1 = Day 1-4
    2= Day 5-8

    1 decline bench press
    2 Flat bench press
    1 Incline dumbbell press
    2 Incline flyes
    1 Flat flyes
    2 Dumbbell pullovers

    1 Deadlifts
    1 Closegrip pulldown
    1 Widegrip row
    2 closegrip row
    2 One arm dumbbell row
    2 Lat pulldown

    1 Concentration curl
    1 Straight bar curl
    2 Preacher curl
    2 Standing hammer curl
    1 Seated tricep extension
    1 Skullcrusher
    2 Tricep pushdown
    2 dips

    2 Military press
    1 Dumbbell press
    2 Arnold press
    1 Dumbbell side raises
    1 Dumbbell raises
    2 Reverse flyes
    1 2 Shrugs

    1 Squat
    2 Leg press
    1 2 Leg extensions
    1 2 Hamstring curl
    1 Seated calf press
    2 Standing calf press

    Few questions:
    1-Should I split my routine into say part one heavy, part two light?

    2-Should I split my routine into density/volume training example part one 3x8, part two 10x10

    3-Should I do my sets like Dorian Yates, one warmup set 10-12 reps, one working set 6-8 reps until fail

    4-Should I do my sets like Arnold, 2 heavy sets 6-8 reps, one lighter burnout set 10-15 reps

    5-Which routine would give the most hypertrophy?

    The reason the routines look similar is because that's how I enjoy training, 2 muscle groups per workout and each muscle group twice a week.

    If i am sacrificing potential gains by making my own routine I will follow a premade routine which is proven to work. But as long as either the weight I'm lifting goes up, the reps go up, or If I increase my volume or deload every 2 months or so, and lift with alot of intensity I should still grow shouldnt I ?

    I know it's recommended to follow a premade routine, I've looked at tons and for the most part they either have excersises I don't like or the splits are boring and monotonous.
    Although I do like the looks of Blood and Guts by Dorian Yates, and I am still leaning towards it.

    I'm looking for any advice, and to hopefully have some questions answered. I have done a load of research and my research will defiantly continue.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    gmantheman is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2011
    A lot of your splits have overlaping muscle groups. When you work chest, your tris and shoulders are also worked. When you work back your bis are also hit.

  3. #3
    rednecked is offline New Member
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gmantheman View Post
    A lot of your splits have overlaping muscle groups. When you work chest, your tris and shoulders are also worked. When you work back your bis are also hit.
    They are being worked indirectly, you can still work them directly.

  4. #4
    gmantheman is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rednecked View Post
    They are being worked indirectly, you can still work them directly.
    Some people would agree and some would disagree about working secondary muscle groups the following day. The one muscle group I would be careful with is shoulder. Shoulders are hit hard during chest workout and then working them directly the next day could lead to overtraining and maybe even injury. Also if work back and legs on consecutive days, I would avoid deadlifts if you are doing squats on leg day. Your lower back will not be recovered and your squat will suffer. You could try something like this:
    Day 1 Chest/tri
    Day 2 legs
    Day 3 back/shoulders
    Day 4 Rest
    Day 5,6,7 repeat.

  5. #5
    DaGunz is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    Nice workout routine. A bit much, but maybe you're super athletic. I would switch the legs and shoulders/arms day, and I would do set 1 excersises for a week, then switch to set 2 excersises for a week.

    Day 1 Chest/Back Heavy
    Day 2 Legs Light
    Day 3 Shoulders/Arms Heavy
    Day 4 Rest
    Day 5 Chest/Back Light
    Day 6 Legs Heavy
    Day 7 Shoulder/Arms Light
    Day 8 Rest
    Day 9 Repeat

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