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Thread: Need Workout Split Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida

    Need Workout Split Help

    After dealing with recovery for my repaired rotator cuff and labrum, I finally was cleared for lifting. I started a couple weeks back, but the pain was bothering a lot. Talked to the doctor and he told me to stop for another 2 weeks. I am gonna start up again on this Monday coming up, and I was curious as to a good workout split? I am doing HIIT for Cardio in the afternoon, but wanted to get a good workout in, in the morning. I am looking to lower my body fat some, so I am assuming a high rep range should be the way to go.

    Any good ideas on splits and how many times a week per body part would be great! It only needs to be Upper Body, considering the HIIT consists of a lot of lower body exercises. I really appreciate the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Looking to start in a few days. I want to make sure I get this right. Anyone have suggestions? I was never really serious on lifting, I wanted to start getting serious considering my diet is now in check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    I think a good beginner weight training set is 1X12, 1X10, 1x8, 1x6. One compound lift for each muscle group, one isolated lift for each group. Take it slow and keep proper form. Dont worry about the guys slinging tons of weight and using their own body weight and momentum to lift large amounts. They usually don't stick with it because they get injured.

    Something like this:
    Sun - rest
    Mon - chest and biceps / cardio 45-60 mins
    Tue - legs / 10 minutes cool down cardio
    Wed- rest from lifting / cardio 45-60 mins
    Thur shoulder - tris / no cardio
    Fri- Back / cardio 45-60 mins
    Sat - cardio 45-60 mins

    This is just a sample though. Listen to your body. I don't always have a set plan but more of a general idea of everything i will do. Some days your body just doesn't want to cooperate and you need to take it easier and give your CNS a break.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Miami, Florida
    Ok great. This is what I was looking for. That looks like a split I can follow. Yea, I can not do tremendous amounts of weight even if I wanted to. My shoulder doesn't permit it.

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