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Thread: Workout advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Howdy all, I'm looking for some guidance with my workout routine, I have a thread within the diet section which the folks there have helped me with ( I'd link it but it's a pain on the iPhone ) my aim is to cut down to 10-12% bf whilst retaining as much muscle mass as possible, my starting stats are below.

    Age - 28
    Height - 5.7
    Weight - 151lb
    BF - 20.2%

    I am currently in week 2 of my cutting diet, the first week was slightly different to my current diet (I've tweaked it based on feedback given) I last weighed on Sunday and came in at 146.4lb and 20.2%bf (according to my scales) I know that the bf% probably isn't accurate but i should be able to track week on week loss using them. My current workout is listed below.

    I aim for 3x8-10 reps per exercise

    Monday - shoulders and traps

    Shoulder press
    Side/front/bent over raises

    Tuesday - back and arms

    Front/rear/incline? Pulldowns (I lean backwards for the incline, I'm sure it has a proper name I just dont know it)
    Dumbbell rows/cable rows

    Dumbbell curls
    Hammer curls
    Preacher curls
    There's another exercise that I do but I have no clue as to as whether it is actualy for arms or not, I'll try and explain; I hold a dumbbell in front of my body at say my thigh and then raise it to my chin)

    Wednesday - chest and triceps


    Tricep pulldowns
    Overhead dumbbell

    Thursday - legs ( I probably neglect but I do it which is a positive right!?)

    Legs raises
    Calf raises


    A general all round workout or a repeat of a previous day or a mix of whatever I've missed out.

    Sat - cardio

    Mon-fri I do 30min low intensity cardio post workout.

    Input is appreciated.
    Last edited by Rya; 09-16-2011 at 06:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rya View Post
    There's another exercise that I do but I have no clue as to as whether it is actually for arms or not, I'll try and explain; I hold a dumbbell in front of my body at say my thigh and then raise it to my chin)
    Could be Upright Rows, which are considered a shoulders exercise, but they also work the biceps; or it could be isolated curls, if you are placing your elbow on your thigh and curling the weight to your chin; or it could be a variation of a hammer curl. Are you curling the weight or pulling the weight up while your elbows point out to the sides?

    When you say Leg Raises are you talking about the abdominal exercises or do you mean Leg Extensions? Include Leg Extensions and Leg Curls on leg day. Aslo, you need more than Leg Raises to work the abs. The Bicycle Maneuver is the best abs exercise. Followed by Captin's Chair Leg Raises and Abs Ball Crunches.

    Other than that, everything looks fine.

    One suggestion to think about is doing your triceps and biceps on the same day, instead of on your chest and back day. It will make your workouts shorter, leaving you with more energy to recuperate faster; and you will have more energy to lift heavier weight for more reps when you train your arms.
    Last edited by DaGunz; 09-16-2011 at 02:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rya View Post
    Howdy all, I'm looking for some guidance with my workout routine, I have a thread within the diet section which the folks there have helped me with ( I'd link it but it's a pain on the iPhone ) my aim is to cut down to 10-12% bf whilst retaining as much muscle mass as possible, my starting stats are below.

    Age - 28
    Height - 5.7
    Weight - 151lb
    BF - 20.2%

    I am currently in week 2 of my cutting diet, the first week was slightly different to my current diet (I've tweaked it based on feedback given) I last weighed on Sunday and came in at 146.4lb and 20.2%bf (according to my scales) I know that the bf% probably isn't accurate but i should be able to track week on week loss using them. My current workout is listed below.

    I aim for 3x8-10 reps per exercise

    Monday - shoulders and traps

    Shoulder press
    Side/front/bent over raises

    Tuesday - back and arms

    Front/rear/incline? Pulldowns (I lean backwards for the incline, I'm sure it has a proper name I just dont know it)
    Dumbbell rows/cable rows

    Dumbbell curls
    Hammer curls
    Preacher curls
    There's another exercise that I do but I have no clue as to as whether it is actualy for arms or not, I'll try and explain; I hold a dumbbell in front of my body at say my thigh and then raise it to my chin)

    Wednesday - chest and triceps


    Tricep pulldowns
    Overhead dumbbell

    Thursday - legs ( I probably neglect but I do it which is a positive right!?)

    Legs raises
    Calf raises


    A general all round workout or a repeat of a previous day or a mix of whatever I've missed out.

    Sat - cardio

    Mon-fri I do 30min low intensity cardio post workout.

    Input is appreciated.
    I bet you that the reading is wrong. I also have a scale that reads bf. I am 5'8" and weigh 165 with a 31" waist. According to the scale my bf is 20% yet the outline of my abs are visible. If you can see the outline of your abs, I bet you bf is in the 10-12% range. How big is your waist.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2011
    you should have your bigger muscle that shares stabilizers towards the beginning of the week. example...doing arms 2 days before chest, with a delt day before that will cause too much work for the tricep as it is a small muscle. i notice people like to workout m-f then be off on the weekends but i find that taking like a wednesday off and working thru the weekend to be so much better. and it stops you from getting the sedintary flatness you get from not pumping over the yayy for tight tshirts`

  5. #5
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    Sep 2011
    and those scales that do bodyfat are inaccurate.

  6. #6
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by DaGunz View Post
    Could be Upright Rows, which are considered a shoulders exercise, but they also work the biceps; or it could be isolated curls, if you are placing your elbow on your thigh and curling the weight to your chin; or it could be a variation of a hammer curl. Are you curling the weight or pulling the weight up while your elbows point out to the sides?

    When you say Leg Raises are you talking about the abdominal exercises or do you mean Leg Extensions? Include Leg Extensions and Leg Curls on leg day. Aslo, you need more than Leg Raises to work the abs. The Bicycle Maneuver is the best abs exercise. Followed by Captin's Chair Leg Raises and Abs Ball Crunches.

    Other than that, everything looks fine.

    One suggestion to think about is doing your triceps and biceps on the same day, instead of on your chest and back day. It will make your workouts shorter, leaving you with more energy to recuperate faster; and you will have more energy to lift heavier weight for more reps when you train your arms.
    not for traps then?!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Upright row is a rear delt and trap movment. The bicep pump u are getting is coming from the tight grip using forearm and hands too close together try pulling them apart. Also use a controlable weight

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DaGunz

    Could be Upright Rows, which are considered a shoulders exercise, but they also work the biceps; or it could be isolated curls, if you are placing your elbow on your thigh and curling the weight to your chin; or it could be a variation of a hammer curl. Are you curling the weight or pulling the weight up while your elbows point out to the sides?
    I guess it's like a hammer curl, the dumbbell starts at the quad and I raise it to my chin keeping it close to my chest.

    When you say Leg Raises are you talking about the abdominal exercises or do you mean Leg Extensions? Include Leg Extensions and Leg Curls on leg day. Aslo, you need more than Leg Raises to work the abs. The Bicycle Maneuver is the best abs exercise. Followed by Captin's Chair Leg Raises and Abs Ball Crunches.
    I meant leg extensions, I don't currently have abs in my work out this is something that I plan on incorporating soon.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011
    You may want to revamp your workout. Since we know the b/f scale is highly inaccurate and at 5'7" and 151 you probably want to put on more size. You alot of bicep exercise but hardly any back exercises. The back is a much bigger group. There are countless routines that are good and many that are bad. Maybe try the Westside for Skinny Bastards.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    not for traps then?!
    Traps, too.

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