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  1. #1
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Double Split Workout Advise

    Hello, first I will introduce myself. I am Don and i am 21 years of age, id assume around 12% BF, 5' 7" and i currently weigh around 165. I have been working out since the beginning of my High school career but only at this intensity for around 8 months, and i have basic knowledge of weight training. The goals of my Workouts are most definitively to gain strength and mass. Previous injuries have been Tendonosis which still effects me but i treat it as best as possible. My supplements consist of Pro Complex Gainer, Creatine, Superpump Max, Casein Powder, BCAA's, Glutamine, Test booster, and NO2 booster, I also have simple Gold standard whey when i feel i didnt consume enough protein that day. My diet consists of around 3200 calories and i feel this is too small but i honestly cant make myself eat anymore, so if anyone has any ideas for something to increase my appetite my ears are wide open for options.

    Ok, now for my workout-On heavy days I start with a light set 12 reps move to medium set 10 reps and then a heavy set with 8 reps after my heavy set I do another medium set of 10 reps. all workouts have a split of 25 or 10 lbs depending on the exercise. All sets have a 1 minute rest in between.
    -On light days I do a light set of 12 reps a medium set of 10 reps another medium set of 12 reps and finally a final medium set of 12 reps. All sets have a 1 minute rest in between.
    I increase weight every week even if it is just 2.5 lbs but generally I strive for 5 lbs especially on Olympic lifts.
    Monday-Heavy Chest (160 reps) and Tri's (168 reps)
    Tuesday-Heavy Back (200 reps) and Bi's (168 reps)
    Wednesday- Shoulders (160 reps)
    Thursday- Chest (168 reps) and Heavy Tri's (160 reps)
    Friday- Back (210 reps) and Heavy Bi's (160 reps)
    Saturday- Legs (120 reps)
    Sunday- Off
    I would put all of my exercises i perform but I do not currently have my sheets on me, so if anyone would like me to just say so and I will work on it today after my workout.
    I just devised this workout plan and i havnt been doing it but a week so I would like some output what do you think about it? is it too much? should I have more rest? play with it a little bit and give me any advise possible, and it will be much appreciated.
    Last edited by Donman1001; 10-05-2011 at 10:42 PM.

  2. #2
    gmantheman is offline Associate Member
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    A few things stick out. On Monday why are doing more reps for tris then chest? Tris are a smaller muscle group. If you do 168 reps for chest then I would only do about 40 reps for tris. Same thing for bis. It's a very small muscle group 40 reps or so is plenty. Legs are your biggest muscle group but are only worked once per. week and have the least amount of reps. They should have the most amount of reps. Your split should be re-worked. Your working shoulders on Wed and then Chest on Thurs. When you hit your chest your shoulders are also getting worked, so if you hit chest the day after, the amount of weight you can use will suffer, your shoulders will not have a chance to recover and you have a chance of injury.

  3. #3
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Ok, to start I have been doing more reps on tris then chest because i am doing lighter weights with more reps. Only 40 reps for tri's? why so small, after my chest workout my tri's always feel fine. I dont know if it has anything to do with doing chest before tri's and back before bi's but my arms seem to be lagging way behind all other muscles. Would you recommend working legs more then once a week? My reps are low because I seem to struggle a lot on legs, im generally sore for 3-4 days after my leg workout which is also why i only do it once a week. About the shoulders on Wednesday I rarely do them and tend to take this as a rest day because a 6 day split is proving to be pretty rough, I feel 1 day rest a week isnt enough for me. I only perform shoulders on wednesday if my body is feeling up to it. I also realize that chest is hitting shoulders which is why I tend to take this as a rest day. I started a split similar to this about 4 months back except it was chest/tri's - mon/thur, back/bi's tue/wed, and legs wed/sat but i got tired of my legs being sore all week long so i changed it to shoulders or off day.

  4. #4
    gmantheman is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe give arms their own day. This is the split I am currently doing. Perhaps something similar would work.
    Mon: Arms
    Tues: Legs
    Wed: Chest/shoulders
    Fri: Back
    Arms don't need that much work as they are getting indirectly with back and chest. If you working with some degree of intensity, then 4-6 total for each bis and tries would be plenty.

    Or you could do something like this:
    Day 1: Legs/Back/Bi
    Day 2: Rest
    Day 3: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
    Day 4: Resta
    Day 5: Legs/Back/Bi
    Day 6: Rest
    Day 7: Chest/shoulders/Tris.
    An example of Day 1s routine would be something like this:
    Squats 4-6
    Romanian Deadlift 3x8
    Pullups 4xBW
    1Arm Row 2x10
    Dumbbell curl 2x8

    Here is day 3s
    Incline press 4x6
    Dips 3x8
    Lateral raises 3x10-12
    Overhead rope ext. 2x8
    Last edited by gmantheman; 09-18-2011 at 10:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Ok, I fell a day behind so today was my legs day. i plan on taking wednesday off now due to this. I took your advise and up'ed my reps to 200. I feel pretty good afterwards, I stretched a lot. I let you know how i feel in the morning.

  6. #6
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    I would work with a smaller split but I am on the tail end of a deployment and have a bit of free time so I go crazy if I am just sitting in my room doing nothing.

  7. #7
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    So my legs feel really good after doing 200 reps surprisingly. I had some soreness in my quads but everything else was good. Back / Bi's today was awesome today and i cant wait for rest day tomorrow.

  8. #8
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    I should also add that my workouts are also done in 2 sittings, half in the morning and half in the evening.

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