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Thread: My current routine, will start tbol now, lemme know if you guys recommend adding more

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Smile My current routine, will start tbol now, lemme know if you guys recommend adding more

    Hi guys,

    I am going to start tbol now, I will give you my current workout that works pretty well for me, after I start tbol should I add more exercises or train more ?


    Bodyweight 170, 5"7

    Deadlift 5rm 315pounds, Bench (My weakness) 5rm 170pounds | standing overheadpress 5rm 125pounds | pendlay row 5rm 125 pounds | Squat 5RM 205pounds.

    My workout has 2 days, day A, day B.

    week1 A - B - A
    week2 B - A - B

    workout A: 5x5 squat, 5x5 OHP, 1x5 Deadlift, alternating on days: 3xfail pullups or chinups

    workout B: 5x5 squat, 5x5 bench, 5x5 Pendlay row, 3xfail weighted dips

    Weeks go Train rest Train rest Train Rest rest, start over

    Only thing im adding is randomly 1 or 2 twice a week 3xfail calf raises

    This works well without steroids, but with increased recovery ability, Im thinking doing A B A B every week, lemme know if you would add even more,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    All over
    I dont think you should add abs to your routine yet, looking at your body weight you still have a load of room for improvement without abs. Also if you do decide to do abs I would add a lot more to your schudele then what you currently have. I see you dont even do 100 reps a day and you are working 3 body parts, that needs to be revamped in my opinion. I agree with doing 4 days a week 3 rest days instead of 3 on 4 off, just add more to your routine. Also what are you trying to get at? from what i can see you are working every body part each day. I think you should change what you work each day and isolate to 3 body parts if you want to have a 4 day split. I would do something like Chest/Tri's/Legs and then Back/Bi's/Shoulders.
    Last edited by Donman1001; 09-20-2011 at 11:46 AM. Reason: added info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    DOnman, I was doing that type of split routin before for 1 year, when I changed to this compound strenght training program, I got more results in 3 months than in the past year with split routines..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    All over
    Honestly I dont see how that is possible. But if it works for you, more power to you. I would just add more to your routine and like i said before I dont think you aare ready for ABS.

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