hi guys
so basically the past 9 months or so i have been trying to loose weight, this consisted of lifting 4 days a week, cardio here and there, on and off a keto diet, tried intermittent fasting. Here is what i looked like january this year:
basically my goal is to become not ridiculously big like a pro bodybuilder, but i want a nice ripped natural look with really defined abdominal region something like this:
my current stats are roughly 170lbs and 5'8, here's a recent picture:
i believe i can still cut quite a bit as i can still pinch thick skin in my abdominal region and i still have love handles, although i have been told that a lot of it is just water and/or thick skin.
so i'm not sure if doing a cycle and gaining muscle would be beneficial to me to get more definition around the abs, or would cutting as much fat as possible still be the best idea?
if i was to keep cutting and get to a respectful bodyfat %, is there an anabolic steroid i could use on very low carbs to just build lean muscle and not to bulk so to speak?