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  1. #1
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    can i still get lots of muscle and look huge even if i have small frame?

    can i still get lots of muscle and look huge even if i have small frame? i wna get big and stuff or lots of muscle but i have a small frame like small bones but have never broken a bone or fractured.

  2. #2
    Hitman's Avatar
    Hitman is offline Senior Member
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    Mate its easier to pack on the pounds for smaller guys because the muscles dont have so far to travel compared to a taller, say 6ft plus, person. Take a look at lee priest and the dramatic changes he goes through from off season to competition, granted he has access to all the gear but genetics and shorter bones play a major part........HITMAN

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by Hitman
    Mate its easier to pack on the pounds for smaller guys because the muscles dont have so far to travel compared to a taller, say 6ft plus, person. Take a look at lee priest and the dramatic changes he goes through from off season to competition, granted he has access to all the gear but genetics and shorter bones play a major part........HITMAN
    True that. Shorter folks have shorter muscle bellies that appear larger much faster than taller individuals that have longer muscle bellies. The taller you are the more you have to really work at getting the muscle bigger.

    But when the tall guy gets swole - he looks really big. Like when Gunter stood behind Lee at the 2002 Mr O... he dwarfed the shit out him.

  4. #4
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by Warrior

    True that. Shorter folks have shorter muscle bellies that appear larger much faster than taller individuals that have longer muscle bellies. The taller you are the more you have to really work at getting the muscle bigger.

    But when the tall guy gets swole - he looks really big. Like when Gunter stood behind Lee at the 2002 Mr O... he dwarfed the shit out him.
    Yeah I saw that was funny as hell.

  5. #5
    solidj55 is offline Member
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    I am one of those little guys too at a towering 5'5" tall. It has always been easy for me to pack on weight/muscle. The problem that I have noticed with me and a lot, if not most, short guys is fat gain. Yea sure we can pack on muscle and weight fast but we tend to get bellies and love handles easier. The taller guys tend to have a hard time gaining but when they do they stay leaner.

  6. #6
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    I think he is talking about something totally different than height guys. I think he means bone structure. For instance I am 6'4" but barely have what is considered a medium bone structure. It is harder to look bigger the smaller your bones are. By smaller i mean the diameter or circumference. Say 2 guys are 5'11" One has a bone in his arm that is 3" circumference, the other person has a 4.5" circumference. It will be easier for the one with the larger circumference to get to a total arm circumference that is equal between the two individuals becuase there is an 1.5" head start. Anyone care to argue differently? Maybe I am wrong. What do you think?

  7. #7
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Actually when you have smaller bone structure it's easier to look big. Look at most of the pro's....little wrists and ankles. It's harder to look big when you have a big bone structure in my opinoin.

  8. #8
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    texan beat me too it!!!

    BB'ers w/ small bone structure make the best BB'ers!!!the distance that muscle is pronounced off the small joints gives the illusion of more mass.i remember discussing this 10 years ago.any bb'er will tell you that small joints are a blessing for creating an illusion of more mass.

  9. #9
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Very interesting input. Something for me to think about. Thanks!

  10. #10
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Re: texan beat me too it!!!

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    BB'ers w/ small bone structure make the best BB'ers!!!the distance that muscle is pronounced off the small joints gives the illusion of more mass.i remember discussing this 10 years ago.any bb'er will tell you that small joints are a blessing for creating an illusion of more mass.
    Yup....that's what I believe and heard.

  11. #11
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    Re: texan beat me too it!!!

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    BB'ers w/ small bone structure make the best BB'ers!!!the distance that muscle is pronounced off the small joints gives the illusion of more mass.i remember discussing this 10 years ago.any bb'er will tell you that small joints are a blessing for creating an illusion of more mass.
    I like that philosphy...and I always viewed my skinny ankles & wrists as a curse rather then as a blessing. Thanks for the insight

  12. #12
    SwoleDiesel662's Avatar
    SwoleDiesel662 is offline Associate Member
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