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Thread: Deadlift Straight vs. Hex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    All over

    Deadlift Straight vs. Hex

    Are you working muscles differently using a hexbar vs. straight bar, if so which would you recommend doing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hex bar works more like a squat, involving more knee work. Straight bar has more hip involvement.

    I prefer straight bar because I feel like I put more load on my legs than my back with the hex bar. And it's my back that I'm trying to work after all.

    Here's an article:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    The above poster was half correct. Hex bar deadlift functions like a squat: putting lots of emphasis on hip drive and quad/ham contraction(weight on your toes is quads,weight on your heel is ham) while putting little strain on your back(relatively). On the other hand, Straight bar dead lift recruits MUCH more of your back as you drive through the hips towards lockout.

    If you want to focus on the back more-use straight bar, if you want to focus on legs-use the hex bar.

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